View Full Version : Breathless

13-09-13, 02:16
I am struggling last couple of hours with not being able to get enough air, which brings on a panic attack and then I can't breathe even more so and then it becomes a vicious circle. Feel dizzy and light headed. Just called the no panic helpline, I couldn't breathe that slow! I haven't felt this bad for the longest time, not really worried about the shaking and dizziness but so worried about the breathing. I know that my breathing isn't particularly good due to smoking for 37 years (have been given up now 4 years now).

Anyone feel like this sometimes or all the time? Do you feel like you can't breathe through your nose but when you breathe through your mouth it's too noisy and scary and too quick? OMG I sound like I've lost it but I haven't.....I am very very scared though. I live alone and why does this always happen at night and not during the day?

Please answer if you get this too, to reassure me.


13-09-13, 03:19
Hi els, I'm not sure I have the exact same problem as you but I'm having problems at the moment with heart palpations waking me up everynight I'm really finding it extremely hard. Feels like I'm having a heart attack or something. Anxiety presents it's self in so many ways, I've had years of various symptoms, so nothing surprises me with it any more. I guess it's trying to find ways of coping. Very hard I know!
Mel xx

13-09-13, 06:12

Try yoga breathing. Through your nose... cover one nostril and breathe in. Then open that nostril and cover the other and breathe out. Do it back and forth through each nostril for a few minutes at a time. That will slow your breathing down.

You're hyperventilating right now. Either over breathing or under breathing. Happens to me, too. Make sure you're breathing into your belly and not your chest. That will also help to slow it down.

Give it a try and know that it can't hurt you, it just feels scary and that's all.

Take care.

14-09-13, 01:39
Thank you merrysee and Jmac for your replies.

I know that some of the breathlessness is due to anxiety and panic but that's not how it started off, I am so worried yet don't want to go to docs either. Hate the docs, hospitals, dentists and all illnesses!!:weep: Wish I could wave a magic wand and rid myself (and everyone else) of fear :blush::blush:


14-09-13, 01:43
It's funny how breathing too fast makes you feel like your not getting enough air. It's very hard to fight off that sensation :( it's one of the scariest symptoms I think.

Try to relax your tummy as we often tense it when we get nervous and breathe too fast.

14-09-13, 17:44
I experience this ... rapid breathing, no air, chest pains and aching stomach. It is scary. I go cycling and this helps so I wonder if any kind of exercise would help like a brisk walk for example, fresh air helps too. Wish I knew the magic answer to getting rid of the feeling completely. Take care

18-09-13, 13:43
Hi Els,

My main anxiety symptom is an obsession with my breathing - for me, it's a hyper awareness of the physical sensation and not liking the feeling that I am out of control and I have to trust my body. This leads to me breathing manually, which, of course can lead to hyperventilation! It's a vicious circle, and one that is hard to break - I have completely been where you are.

In my desperate attempts to find a cure for this, I have read about '4-6-8 breathing', which involves inhaling through the nose for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 6 seconds, and then exhaling through your mouth for 8 seconds. Then you repeat this two more times. This should help with the shortness of breath and stop you hyperventilating.

The last couple of days, I have found taking a bath with a relaxing scent, such as lavender, and drinking a few cups of well-brewed chamomile tea helps take the edge off my anxiety.

I hope you are feeling a bit better now :hugs:.

Catherine x

18-09-13, 17:19
I'm suffering this today. Feel like I'm suffocating. I think I'm breathing too deeply and gasping and therefore setting off the balance and making it worse. It suck because the more you think about your breathing the worse it gets.

02-10-13, 19:41
Thanks again for your replies.

I wish I had the courage to go to the doctors. It's funny I used to always be in the surgery thinking I had this or that! Now as I get older and my physical wellness has changed, I find I'm too scared of what they will tell me, so I just don't go!

I see that I had this 'episode' on 13 September. Well I am having another bad one so it's been 19 days since the last. It came on out of the blue and am really struggling for air. I keep sighing and trying to get air and my heart is beating really fast.

I wish I wasn't scared!


22-11-13, 18:39
Hi, Im new to the forum but have just read this post about the breathing, I get this every day and I am continuously out of breath, i just breath so quickly and feel i cant get get enough air in, my doctor has been brilliant and explained to me that when are anxious we produce adrenalin which then causes fight or flight symptoms, etc, sweating, rapid breathing, she suggested i went on proponol which is a beta blocker and it helps with the physical symptoms of anxiety by slowing your heart rate down and blocking the adrenalin, i take 40mg up to 3 times a day and i must say it has really made a difference to my life. Just wanted to share x:)