View Full Version : Please help me

13-09-13, 04:09

DAY 6 of cipralex 10mg and something strange is happening i feel like im not here like i am dead or something kinda almost high and im really freaking out that my body is shutting down or something i am terrified to go to bed tonight i dont think i will wake up am i going insane or something

please help please

13-09-13, 06:03
Hi Scrumking,

For sure, the first week or so while adjusting can be a difficult one. I started at 2.5 mg and worked up to 10 over a month and even at those low doses had some days that felt rather off. I was also taking Ativan against the anxiety.

If you're really and truly concerned and you think this is more than side effects and/or your anxiety talking, go to a doctor/emergency ward and get checked out. If this is anxiety, perhaps they can prescribe some short term Ativan to help settle things down.

Do know, that it gets sooooo much better once the cipralex kicks in and you'll have your life back.

Take care.

15-09-13, 09:25
You poor thing, side effects are horrible, really hope you feel better soon. This should pass quickly with any luck but I agree, if it feels too much to handle go and ask a proper medical expert. I had Ativan too to help me so didn't really notice side effects that much and also went up from 2.5mg very gradually. Really hope you are so much better soon, I'd say a good 2 weeks for the side effects to start passing which feels like an eternity when you are going though them but they will go away xxx

29-09-13, 13:02
Just an addon. This normal as the chemistry of the brain has to adjust to these meds. I agree that if this seems to be too most (remember tolerances are different for everyone) that you should seek expert/trained opinions.

I know this post was many days ago so hoping you have made it through and are now experiencing the benefits of the med

Take care and hang in there

30-09-13, 15:48
Hi just wondering how you are doing now??? xxx