View Full Version : Anyone gone from 30MG to 20MG?

13-09-13, 11:39

Just went back to the doc yesterday and he is happy with my progress. He wants to reduce my dose from 30MG TO 20mg. Has anyone else done this? if so did they have any difficulty? I've been feeling really well lately so i 'm a little nervous about reducing. The doc thinks it's worth a try and says i don't have to reduce any further if I don't want to. I was going to try 20MG for a week and see how i go

little scientist
13-09-13, 13:22
Yes I did - take any reduction slowly is my advice. I did alternate days (30 then 20 then 30 then 20...) for a few weeks to come down to 20. I am having a blip again now but I always do at this time of year I think!

As your doc says it is worth a try, being on the lowest dose possible is always the best I think :)

Good luck!