View Full Version : 20mg Citalopram & Pregnant

13-09-13, 12:37
Hi everyone
I have been on Citalopram for about 3 months now at 20mgs. I've always suffered from mild depression but had never been on meds before this time. This past year has been particularly hard and there was a period of time before I started meds where I was so anxious I couldn't even leave the house and was having bathroom issues related to panic attacks. I am feeling better now, definitely more confident, wouldn't say 100% but I don't think I ever will be. My husband and I are now pregnant with our second child, and we are both very excited, however I am getting a lot of conflicted information about Citalopram and pregnancy. GP basically looks in a book and reads off the spiel about risks and if they outweigh the positives, then another consultant said that it was fine up until the 3rd trimester and to come off before then due to complications and then there is the whole other group of people and professionals who say it's fine, it's kind of ridiculous. I do think the anxiety of being on it while pregnant is probably just as bad as coming off....so long story short, I suppose I will come off of them and see what happens and go from there, however am needing to do it in the least stressful way possible. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!

little scientist
14-09-13, 10:37
Hello smk, firstly congratulations on your pregnancy!

I think a lot of GPs are wary of the use of any medication during pregnancy because there simply isn't the conclusive evidence of what effects there may be as it is obviously not ethical to test drugs during pregnancy. But I agree, there needs to be consistent advice.

14-09-13, 12:59
Thanks! And yes, I mean..obviously no one wants to run tests on pregnant women ha! But it does get rather confusing. I am finding I'm anxious anyways about taking them during so I might as well just stop, took 10 mg last night, will see how that goes for the next little while. Medication is fantastic until it gets in the way of something and then it's a real pain.

14-09-13, 13:02
Hi and congratulations, my sister recently found out she was pregnant and was took of her AD sertraline and put on a pregnancy safe one imipramine, she had a bit of a rocky time doing the change over but she's alot better now x x