View Full Version : fibro

13-09-13, 12:50
Hi anyone with fibromyalgia. I have it and apart from pain I find tiredness and dizziness the worse symptoms. Would appreciate any feedback.

14-09-13, 17:15
anyone ??

14-09-13, 17:20
I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome so can definitely relate to the aching limbs and constant fatigue and tiredness.

14-09-13, 17:43
Hi Georgina,

I am diagnosed with ME, but my GP suspects fibromyalgia and I'm going to the hospital for tests in a couple of weeks. I get a lot of dizziness too, I faint a lot. The tiredness is the worst thing for me. Sometimes pain keeps me awake, which doesn't help either. Then if I sleep too long I wake up in pain, so it's all a difficult balance.

Have you had any support from specialists at all? I went to a "lifestyle management programme" offered by my local ME/CFS service and learned all about pacing which I've found extremely helpful for managing my energy levels and giving me back some control over the illness. I would definitely recommend looking up pacing if you haven't already.

14-09-13, 17:59
thanks edie...i will look into pacing..as i say its the dizziness and fatigue i feel worse...i do get bad pain in my buttocks,knees,elbows ans neck and shoulders..seems to start somewhere then migrates..also have tmj which does not help..i also find i get more allergies..thanks again..gina

17-09-13, 10:15

I think I have fibro but my gp just rolls her eyes when I mention it and says 'no I don't think you have that!'. I also think I have joint hypermobility! (I tick the yes boxes on most of the symptoms sheet of both these problems)

I regularly ache all over and am especially feel tender on the inside of my knees, my lower back, between my shoulders and neck. I have IBS, Anxiety, TMJ disorder and clicky achy jaws, feel the cold, stiff and clicky joints (especially in the winter) and get very tired (again especially in the winter months-yuk hate winter!)

17-09-13, 15:40
You could be describing me..go to your docs and ask to be referred to a rheumatologist for tests.my tmj is playing me up at tnr moment with neck pain,cheek pressure side ear.and yes I too hate winter been great all summer.must had a hot stone massage ad feel relaxed.do you get head dizzy as well.

---------- Post added at 15:40 ---------- Previous post was at 15:39 ----------

Also extreme tiredness

09-10-13, 19:47
Hi Greenlady
I have fibromyalgia and I can completely relate. Just recently the dizziness and passing out feelings have made my health anxiety worse. I bet you're like me in that fibro presents so many symptoms which mimic serious illness that you never know what to put down to fibro or something else?
I have been looking at the internet (my bad) and came across a site saying I could be vit b12 deficient and lo and behold it came out with all the scary outcomes and I took myself to hospital on Sunday. Do you ever feel like you are a baby learning to hold things again too? And my spatial awareness has gone and I feel drunk etc. it's horrible so I sympathise with you. Soooo many symptoms that it's too many to list. Hope you are feeling ok today?

09-10-13, 21:05
thanks for the reply..it is a horrible thing to deal with..i have just had a bad virus and it seems to have taken me weeks to feel only semi human..
gina x