View Full Version : muscle twitches/jumping

24-10-06, 21:30
Hi all,
Does anyone else experience involuntary muscle jumping, not the small
under the skin type, but when the whole arm or leg just flicks out ??
Mine seem to doing just that about 6 or 7 times a day, and has been
for about 4 months.Trying to convince myself its just anxiety but a bit
of reassurance would be nice !!!!


24-10-06, 23:32
Hi there

I posted about this a few weeks ago as I have had the same for several months. Completely involuntary I know and very unerving. I have talked to my doc about it as he knows me for years and all my health phobias and anxieties. He says we all get them to different degrees and it's normal. People with health anxiety automatically fear the worst because we're on HIGH ALERT. Not just our minds but our bodies too. I have had them for a long time now and I'm fine and I notice if I'm awake in bed next to my partner..he jumps and twitches all night...I mean big flicks of his legs and arms....and he's fine too. Not to worry..I know it's normal.

25-10-06, 15:17
I get like a thumping feeling in my back or arms and legs at times. My eyelids also twitch like mad if i'm feeling particularly stressed or tired and you think everyone else can see it because it can be so bad. lol

25-10-06, 22:00

I have had similar symptoms since May of this year and have seen a neurologist 3!! times as I was so convinced that I had something terrible wrong with me. The neuro told me I had mild carpel tunnel in both hands but nothing else to worry about. I see a lady for reflexology and she is also a nutritionalist and she suggested taking a magnesium supplement (check with your doctor first) and as is by magic most of my symptoms have cleared up, pretty much straight away. I read somewhere that stress and magnesuim depletion are linked, may be something in it.
