View Full Version : Brain tumour fear

13-09-13, 14:22
Hi my name is John, I have suffered from anxiety on and off for a number of years but in the last two weeks it seems to have taken over my life again. I have managed to convince myself I have a brain tumour due to a number of symptoms I am experiencing which obv equate to the fact it is a brain tumour. The last few weeks I have been having floaters, flashing lights and zig zag lines once or twice a week and this week I have had flashing lights in front of my eyes all week along with floater, headaches, nausea and numbness in my arms and legs .... I've had a number of these symptoms on and off for the last few weeks but this week they have all co e to a head. I have been very emotional, crying when I talk about my fears. I have Been to the eye clinic and had a thorough check on my eyes and the doctor said she couldn't find anything wrong and she diagnosed the condition as a migraine. I have been taking ibuprofen all week and paracetamol but I constantly have the flashing lights in my eyes, it feels like it hurts to look at anything as it so bright and images I have been looking at follow me when I move my head. The dr said I have been suffering from anxiety and has done a blood test which came back fine but I still can't get the idea of this brain tumour out of my head due to the constant symptoms with my eyes, headache, nausea and numbness/pins and needles in my body. Has anyone experienced anything similar or is there anyone who can reassure me that the problem with my eyes that the dr has looked at and said is a migraine can not be down to a brain tumour? Thank you John

15-09-13, 10:56
Hi John, your symptoms do sound migraine related to me but i am no doctor! i would ask How bad are you headaches do they go with medication, are the headaches linked to when you have the aura (flashing lights etc) are the pins and needles bad PM me if you like we can discuss your worries blessings

15-09-13, 18:31
Hi John

I'm just giving a lay-peson's opinion here..

Scotomas (zig-zag lines) are certainly very common symptoms of ocular migraines apparently.

Your GP seems to be on the right track and they're obviously qualified to give that diagnosis.

The other symptoms could of course be anxiety related. The very effects of worrying about major illnesses bring on symptoms which you are convinced must be related but it's your body in adrenaln overdrive because you're panicking so much.

As I said, the GPs in the best position to advise, but I find that the simplest answer to symptoms is usually the correct one.

15-09-13, 21:52
I have all of these symptoms (and many more!) so you are not alone. My visual symptoms in particular can be really anxiety-provoking. Funnily enough, I've spent all day worrying about this very thing! If you have a search around here, you'll find that actually quite a lot of people have visual symptoms so statistically speaking, I'm sure it's anxiety related.

I hope you find this site helpful! :hugs:

15-09-13, 22:03

In the early stages of my anxiety and depression, I noticed dizziness, blurred vision, fuzziness in the corners of my eyes when I stood up, feeling faint when I moved quickly or stood up and I've often had ringing in my ears.
After reading into things like this as I started to get paranoid too about what was wrong with me I realised that a lot of these symptoms are related to my condition.

Also are you taking any medication at the moment for your anxiety? I noticed with some medication I've taken I can feel like I'm having out of body experiences and can be tired and cannot concentrate or think properly. I was also constantly tired. I spoke to my doctor about it and they switched my medication and I've never had those symptoms since.

28-09-13, 13:19

I have all these symptoms and more. I have suffered from anxiety for years with good and bad spells. It has now reared its ugly head again and i'm petrified I have a tumour Can anxiety really cause physical symptoms? :weep: