View Full Version : Really scared!!!

13-09-13, 15:26
Hi I'm new to this site and hoping to get some reassurance, last Friday I was poking and prodding my abdomen at the right side and just above my waist and if I press in really hard with my first I can feel a hard rounded thing that moves back when I push on it! So scared in case it's a tumour. My mum said a tumour wouldn't move and I would be in lots of pain. I'm just freaking out all day and can't concentrate on anything else. Scared to go to the doctors in case it's something really bad I know that sounds stupid :-( can anyone else feel this in their right side?

13-09-13, 20:36
I doubt there is anything to worry about, like your mum says. If you are quite slim and are pressing hard, you could be feeling your organs. If you are really worried go to the doctors and take your mum with you for support.

14-09-13, 21:23
Thanks for your reply :-) health anxiety is rubbish! The funny thing is I can't feel it if I lie down so I'm thinking if it was a tumour it wouldn't go away i would still be able to feel it. Hate going to the doctors :-( going to try and stop prodding it as its making my side sore :-(x

14-09-13, 21:35
If there was a stomach issue it would be easier to feel when you are lying down. Doctors often feel the stomach as a way of checking your organs during a routine check up. I have had it done loads of times.

Cue everyone on here who has had their stomach prodded now thinking the doc was checking for a tumour.... THEY WERE NOT, FOLKS, it's a standard part of a check up. And if they didn't do it, it doesn't mean you have missed a vital examination either...

If it is still worrying you or you are bloated, go to the docs with your mum. I am sure the doc won't mind putting you mind at rest.