View Full Version : New to this

13-09-13, 17:05
Hello everyone ... I am new to this and have been experiencing anxiety on and off for a number of years. The last week has been one of the worst I can remember in a long long time. I was wondering if anyone has had the same type of symptoms/anxiety I have been this week. Basically I have managed to convince myself I have a brain tumour. Over the last few weeks I have been experiencing a number of symptoms which have all come to a head this week.

It started with me being fine one minute then next I was shaking with no energy at all, i managed to ignore this and after something to eat it went away although as you do you think there is something up.

I also started to see floaters in my vision I'd say it happened 3 times in the last month lasting upto ten minutes a time and then going. I have had a pressure in my head for the last month or so each day and have been feeling nauseous every now and again for no apparent reason, I try to stay in shape and the last two times I had visited the gym I had no energy at all and came out feeling like I was going to be sick. I had also had numbness and pins and needles in both my arms and legs for the last month or so.

It came to a head this week when on Tuesday I couldn't fight the anxiety any longer. I had been seeing flashing lights in my eyes all day, whenever I looked at something and moved my head it flashed before me and when I looked at anything it felt like it was so bright and had llights flashing around it. I felt nauseous and pressure in my head and ended up panicking and heading straight to a and e.

I managed to calm myself down and visited my g.p the next day who told me to go to the eye clinic to reassure myself there wasn't a problem and that she believed I was experiencing anxiety. I did this and they said they could not see any problems and that it sounded like a visual migraine.

I have had these symptoms for 4 days now, basically everything feels like it hurts to look at due to these bright lights I see and when I move my head whatever I have been looking at follows me. I tried to go for a walk before and all I could see was floaters in my vision and I felt very nauseous . Does anyone know if a migraine can cause these symptoms for so many days? And if i did have brain tumour and it was affecting my eyes would the eye clinic have been able to see something was wrong??? I had a blood test about two months ago and everything was fine apart from my calcium levels were low?

My mood has also been so low I feel like crying when talking about it and I have also not been able to stop itching my head for the last month or so.

Has anyone else experienced these symptoms / fears who can put my mind at ease???

Thank you for reading

13-09-13, 20:33
I don't think I have ever read that floaters are a symptom of brain tumours. What you describe as shaking and with no energy sounds like a panic attack or a hypoglaecemic attack - which just means that your blood sugar is low and you start to feel shaky and ill. The visual disturbances do sound like migraine, which can also make you feel sick.

Sometimes when we are anxious we notice little symptoms that we would not even be aware of normally. These then assume much more significance because we are focussing on them and forgetting that we feel well most of the time.

Hope you feel better soon.