View Full Version : And so it begins again.....

13-09-13, 19:41
Not been on the forum for awhile as I thought I was doing well but it's getting nearer to the time I go abroad for a week with my boyfriend. I'm 28 and have suffered with anxiety since my early twenties. I'm actually dreading going away when anyone else would jump at the chance. I keep telling myself its only a week and nothing will change while I'm away but I'm still getting myself worked up. I have a major problem when my routine changes and my mind goes into overdrive. Was wondering if anyone else has any tips or goes through the exact same thing when it comes to holidays. Just looking to talk to like minded people and gave always found help here

13-09-13, 19:50
I am just the same. This is a thread about when I booked my holiday http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=129597 There might be some tips in there that people gave me. I managed to get there and once there I relaxed and enjoyed it. It is just the fear of the unknown. :hugs:

13-09-13, 20:17
Thank glad to know I'm not alone...

worried 101
14-09-13, 10:44
oh my god i feel exactly the same...ever since i was little i really struggled with holidays.i think its the chagne in routine and being in a new place. the last holiday that i went on was a disaster and i had to come back early, though this was due to me going through a severe bout of depression and anxiety that i am still going through.
where are you going on holiday?Does your partner know how you feel about holidays?
I know that feeling of should be really looking forward to it and i think thats half the problem...the feeling that you should be and not feeling it,the expectations from others that you should be super excited and then the anxiety that you are not feeling it.
My advice would be take each day as it comes.believe me I know its hard, try and plan something you can do each day and it will fly by beofre you know it!

14-09-13, 13:19
I know how you feel I had to come home early from one of my holidays a few years ago as I couldn't cope. I'm going to the Canary Islands to a quiet resort. I have spoken to my partner and he does understand as he knows how I feel about change. He needs routine but isn't as extreme as me lol! I do keep telling my self that we do have things planned like we are hiring a car and going to go to a zoo and different beaches but can't get that horrible voice outside my mind and the feeling of anxiety taking over. Been feeling so tense. But your advice is best take each day as it comes and will fly by!!