View Full Version : Need answers please tell me what you think

14-09-13, 02:49
I had a bad bad feeling of shaking inside. Both my legs and inside my chest and arms. Something I've never felt before. I could not see myself shaking from the outside only felt it inside. It was making me nervous so I took a zanex. After about 20 minutes or so the shaking went away. My question is do you think it was my HA or could there be something wrong with me? Because I took the zanex and it went away, it makes me think it was anxiety. Is it anxiety if the symptoms go away??

14-09-13, 06:39
Hi there

I have had exact same thing lately and also a few years ago. Mine also went when I took my meds. It seems to me to be some extra added burden that your body can't take for a wee while and anxiety needs all of your sugar to survive but then your body needs the sugar so it reacts with shaking. I'm sure I haven't quite got that right but by the words of Dr Claire Weekes "The engine is knocking for oil".

Do you feel like you had extra anxiety/stress/worries? Even if you can't think of any, I'm positively sure that it's anxiety. Shaking won't hurt you, it will go away, mine usually goes when I get up and do something instead of just sitting there waiting for it to go.


14-09-13, 11:27
Thank you for the reply. I do have a little added stress right now, but if course I wasn't feeling anxious at the time. I always think its nothing I can't handle but the anxiety come out of me in strange ways. I was at work when it happened, sitting at my desk then I got up to to some things and it just kept doing it. So I was moving around and working but I kept feeling it and thinking in the back of my head, "why does that keep doing that and what's wrong with me"? I hate these feelings. :(

Daisy Sue
14-09-13, 11:57
It's just part of the panic syndrome, and those thoughts you were having just feed the deep fear in us.

Try and reassure yourself, if it happens again, that you know what it is, it's just panic, and it'll go, & you'll be ok. Keep saying it over and over in your mind until it subsides.. and do some deep breathing while you're at it :)

14-09-13, 21:55
Thanks for the reply Daisy Sue. I will try that next time. I just hope it doesn't happen again. It was really scary.

16-09-13, 08:31
Hi im having these shake right this moment, im just trying to move around and not dwell on it as if i couldnt relax,i really feel weird.