View Full Version : Scared to death

14-09-13, 04:29
I am getting better with my daytime anxiety but the one thing I can't shake is my absolutely shear fear of sleeping I just panic like crazy when it's bed time because I am so scared it will be the last time I close my eyes.

I know Most people say they would prefer to go this way but not me it terrifies me to no end. I have been given a clean bill of health after having a complete blood work up and an ekg and 24 hour holter monitor but I can't shake this feeling that I will die in my sleep from a massive heart attack, stroke or brain aneurysm at the ripe age of 31.

Any thoughts or advice would help

14-09-13, 21:15
I totally understand. When I was very bad with anxiety about my palpitations I was scared of going to sleep. I was convinced I would die in the night. I spent most nights sitting up in the dark until I fell asleep. I dreaded going to bed.

9 years later and I am still here and in much better mental health. However, my anxiety has robbed me of the feeling that my bad is a place of comfort and sanctuary and I still don't feel totally relaxed about going to bed.

All I can say is that the anxiety will pass and you will start to feel better. Try the free guided meditations on Insight Timer app, or the cd on mindfulness that goes with Jon Kabbat Zinns book, Mindful Way Through Depression. I find these help me to be more present in the moment and stop my mind wandering off onto unhelpful paths.