View Full Version : I just feel so poorly I don't know what to do :(

14-09-13, 09:27
I woke up this morning with a twitchy left eye, my eyes feel strained and like I'm cross eyed!

My arms feel heavy and I feel so exhausted :(

I just want it all to magically disappear and to be ok again, I have my brothers wedding this week and its making me worry I'll be ill on the day :(

I just don't know what to do at the moment :(

little scientist
14-09-13, 10:31
I find distraction is good - maybe go for a walk or play a game, or knitting/sewing. Just something to take your mind off.

Sorry if that's not much use but I will tell you that you are not alone x

14-09-13, 11:47
I can relate. I feel so absolutely exhausted I can barely walk. I'm so sad I want to cry but don't even have the energy to do that. I ache all over, my muscles and bones hurt and I cannot believe anyone can feel this bad and not have something wrong with them. I could sleep all day and not feel any better. I just want to feel well but I really am certain this time I'm dying.
Are you feeling anxious about the wedding? That could be making you feel bad.

14-09-13, 12:00
No I don't think so - maybe because a relative is going that has MS that's stressing me out a bit :(

Female healthanxiety
14-09-13, 15:23
Hello Gee,

I'm sorry to hear your having a bad day.

I get this everyday!!!!

I even went into boots and actually asked the pharmacist if she could actually see the twitch in my eye; and she said yes she could, we all get it from time to time, nothing to worry about. Have you been sleeping well? As I tend to get this when I'm tired and stressed?

And I know what you mean about the cross eyes feeling; it's like feeling a bit drunk! It sounds all like tiredness hun and you worrying about it just makes you more tired.

The weather does not help much, why don't you have a sofa day and treat yourself to a favourite snack?! There's quite a few films on this afternoon, I am going to do the same after I've had a bath


14-09-13, 18:25
Hey - you always make me feel better, it's crazy how much things change in a short space of time, my eyes really are driving me mad, the optician said they are fine, I think if I had a MRI now it would show something :(

I'm so scared of that fact - I want my eyes to be back to normal!!!!

Female healthanxiety
14-09-13, 18:45
Hello Gee,

Hope you've been relaxing this afternoon!!

Hun, I've been for every single test; and it wa all out down to anxiety. You should try and have a long sleep, like 10/12 hours and I am sure u will find that they don't feel a bad. And before you know it you won't think about it.

I don't think an MRI would show anything at all, it's much easier to tell if you have a problem within that area, so it sounds so much like anxiety, mixed with worrying and tiredness xxxx

Have you tried eye drops?


14-09-13, 19:09
No babe - are they any good? Shall I get some?
I know it's terrible but I feel at my best when I'm drunk lol I don't drink everyday but when I go out with my mates I just relax after a few drinks n don't seem to notice stuff so much!

I'm starting a new exercise regime Monday - I've not been doing enough for a couple weeks so I'm going to try and focus on it and see if it sorts my mind out a bit plus I have the number for the CBT at my local GP surgery so I'm going to try that too - how are u going anyway? PM me anytime xxx

Female healthanxiety
14-09-13, 19:16
Yes they are good; try them!! There also great for tired, dry eyes as well. I use the Optrex ones x

I too feel the same when I drink! But EVERYONE does; even those without anxiety! It just relaxes your nerves, if only that made a vitamin like that! But get that's life!

I always feel great when I drink, then the next day my anxiety is double fold, as hangovers generally make u feel unwell!

Good on you with the exercise - what are you doing?

I too am going to try and so zumba 2-3 times next week as its so fun plus I need to lose a stone and a half! I always feel good after I've exercised it's just getting through the anxiety beforehand. That's the hard bit!

Well done on your CBT, I am on a waiting list! But had it about 7 years ago - it really helps.

I've been ok; everyday there is something! Today have chest pains. Just trying to tell myself it's not a heart attack!

K xxxxxxxxx