View Full Version : Sudden sore jaw, lump in cheek found

14-09-13, 11:03
About 2.5 weeks ago I started to feel pain on the left side of my jaw. The pain was constant but it hurt the most when I opened my mouth to eat. I had just flown and figured I was clenching my jaw from stress. Well it still hurts quite a bit and tonight I found a lump in my cheek so I'm freaking out. I'm convinced its cancer. I immediately started to feel like I was going to throw up and I'm dizzy.
When I press on the jaw area beside my ear it's sore(on the outside of my face)
The lump seems to be softish and movers a bit. The left side of my jaw is very sore.

I'm going to the doctor ASAP

14-09-13, 12:45
I have 4 little spherical lumps, about 1cm diameter, along my jaw and surrounding areas which move around and they are completel harmless. Had them for years and apparently it is more harmful to have them removed than to leave them. It's worth going to the doctor to make sure (I do every time I find a new one) but I am fairly confident yours will be the same!

Mine only hurt a bit while they first appear and when I prod them too much. Do check with our doctor though.

26-10-13, 11:34
I went to emergency and the doctor there thought I had a cyst after looking at it with a tiny ultrasound. He told me to see my family doctor so I did but he didn't think my cheek was swollen or that it was a lump and he thinks it's TMJ so now I have to start physio for that.