View Full Version : Lonely...

14-09-13, 11:03

Not had a text from anyone in about two weeks. Only got one friend near me, other only friend miles away at uni. Feeling very alone.
Tried adding people from work on fb but no response and Asked them of they had seen I added them they said yes not not accepting but they have everyone else from work at fb :( dont get it they talk to me at work. I don't show my anxiety am helpful, friendly and chatty etc... Lonely

14-09-13, 13:08
Aww Emma it's horrible to be feeling lonely hun.

How about trying to meet some new friends outside of work?.....could you start a hobby or an interest and get out and about meeting new people?

I know it's hard at first, but it's well worth it in the end hun :hugs: :hugs:

14-09-13, 13:45
Well I like to read and to listen to music.
I just feel so alone.
It's not even to do with anxiety, i have no trouble trying to be social show no signs of dealing with any sort of anxiety issue, I'm perfectly willing and try talking to people just people don't want to be my friend:(

---------- Post added at 13:45 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

I mean I know why really who wants to be friends with someone who looks like this


I wouldn't my self so don't except other people to.

Some people from work went out a few weeks ago and I never got asked despite saying oh yer I know where that is etc and I'm not doing much that weekend. Their all going again next week I even asked and I had no response.

Teenagers do things all the time and I go weeks at a time Doing nothing.
Work- eat- sleep.

How do you meet new people, I don't know, do you just sit in a pub and day hi :(

14-09-13, 13:45
Emma hun, there are always people out there who will want to be your friend hun, it's just that you haven't met them yet :)

It's great that you can now socialize as that will open the door for you to be able to make new friendships :)

:hugs: :hugs:

14-09-13, 13:48
Just doesn't feel like it,
Get very annoyed when I have a friend who won't go into town on a night with me but will go with other people and say how fun it was. But when asked to go with me says doesn't feel like it.


14-09-13, 13:51
I think you look lovely Emma. You have a very smiley, friendly face. Very approachable. Big hugs. xx

14-09-13, 14:04
I don't thought. Theirs not anything that's good about me.
I'm doomed to a life of failure.
Never going to have a boyfriend, never going to get married. Never going to have kids because no body wants to.
Even some women come up to me on the street once. And said I'm ugly. Some man shouted out of his van once directly at me, go get something done to your face and sort your ugly self out,
Everyone at school called me a man. At the time I had boob length hair aswell. Ans I mean everyone . My whole class signed this thing saying sigh if you think emma is ugly. I got bullied and tormented everyday. What's the point.

14-09-13, 14:48
You are definitely not ugly Emma and you look very feminine and not masculine at all - The truly ugly people are the ones who bullied you! Being bullied is awful and that's why you have low self esteem. Keep fighting because life has many surprises for everyone - some of them are bound to be good :)

14-09-13, 15:18
I don't think I look like I man either.
Yes. Onwards and upwards. It seems such a trivial thing aswell I know people have real suffering going on and for me to be moaning about this is a bit pathetic really.

14-09-13, 16:57
We don't choose our friends based on their looks ! That would be extremely shallow if people did that. We become friends with people through having mutual interests and getting on with them because of their personality

15-09-13, 11:47
Well I must be doing something very very wrong then.
I'm nice, polite to them, we talk about things that we like etc.
I put my self out their. I try but nothing no one wants to be my friend.

Daisy Sue
15-09-13, 11:59
Emma, you may not think you're showing any outward signs of your anxiety etc., but I bet you are. For someone who has such a low opinion of themselves, and has such sadness within them, it has to be apparent on the outside, unless you're a brilliant actress! Maybe this is putting people off - and I'm not saying I condone this attitude, it's their ignorance and their loss! - but some people are uncomfortable with anyone who's not openly fun and bubbly all the time... deeper people chose their friends more cautiously.

And - you look lovely to me, very warm and friendly. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you!

Regarding what people say... years ago a lorry driver cut in front of me, so I beeped him, and he swore at me - called me a fat cow. I was around 7 stone then. So no way fat, but you know what, I cried when I got home, and it affected the way I felt about my image for ages after.

People can be horrid, stupid, ignorant.. but the good ones in life always more than make up for those kinds. xx

15-09-13, 18:40
Hi daisy. I'm not quite at all at work. Get on with most people but they always talk about going out etc but I'm excluded

15-09-13, 18:56
You have a nice, kind face Emma and I bet the van driver who shouted that at you looked like Brad Pitt , not!!! I agree with Auntiemoosie there will be people out there with interests like yours who you will become friends with but you need to find them and I know it is not always easy, but if you go out and socialise you eventually will do.

15-09-13, 19:07
Thanks people how do you go out though and socialise when theirs no one to go with.
Ellie feel free to pm me if you want to talk :)

15-09-13, 20:08
When I moved to where I live now I didn't know anyone in the area and I got quite down at times about it. I started a few activities and met people and also went on a website called fishing for a friend, where you meet local people with similar interests. I think the site has gone now but they've moved to one called so for now. I met a few lovely people online so that's worth a try.

It's not easy but you'll get there. Any sports you like, or an evening class you could do?