View Full Version : sick and tired of my life

14-09-13, 11:33
Iv been very low and aanxiety very high over the last few weeks.not posted for a while now..my life is still the same..5.5 months living with my sister.iv been walking to town every single day and sitting on a bench watching the world go by..still no job no friends and sitting in my room from 4 pm till bedtime.i sit in town for 5 hrs before that..iv tried to get volentary work but no luck.i cant believe this life i live in..im sick of it now big time..dont think my meds are helping any more.when i wake i feel sick and my head feels heavy and cloudy..not sleeping that well any more .i have nothing worth getting up for .i hate every lonely day i wake to .there are no local groups to goto hear.i miss life so much i really do..i feel im slipping further into a deap depression and my desire for life has gone..im just not sure how long i can go on like this..every day is the same depressing lonely day...

14-09-13, 11:42
Iv been very low and aanxiety very high over the last few weeks.not posted for a while now..my life is still the same..5.5 months living with my sister.iv been walking to town every single day and sitting on a bench watching the world go by..still no job no friends and sitting in my room from 4 pm till bedtime.i sit in town for 5 hrs before that..iv tried to get volentary work but no luck.i cant believe this life i live in..im sick of it now big time..dont think my meds are helping any more.when i wake i feel sick and my head feels heavy and cloudy..not sleeping that well any more .i have nothing worth getting up for .i hate every lonely day i wake to .there are no local groups to goto hear.i miss life so much i really do..i feel im slipping further into a deap depression and my desire for life has gone..im just not sure how long i can go on like this..every day is the same depressing lonely day...

Hi Greg sorry to hear you are feeling so low, I had wondered how you were as you had not posted for a while, I don't know if others are the same but you get used to regulars posting on here and when they don't you wonder if they are ok. Have you seen your GP lately maybe you need a med review, although medication doesn't take loneliness away, as I know myself, I am ok during the week but I find weekends the hardest as I spend them on my own. Try to hang on in there I know it's not easy and I really feel for you.
Take care
Kim :bighug1:

14-09-13, 11:55
Thanks Kim..i dont feel my meds can and will take away my problems and sadness..i know its my situation in life causing all this...but i have had enough of it...i just cant see a way out..its been so long like this now.. iv started talking to myself daily and feel like im all alone ..no joy no laughter no happenes..i miss life .but hate it.i just find each day so very lonely and hard to get through..i keep looking back to my wife and kids and thinking of the life and routeens i had.i really miss them so much

14-09-13, 11:56
Hi Greg I have been wondering how you have been doing and was hoping that no news was good news as your last few posts had seemed so positive.
Would be good if you could meet up with others in your area. Kelsie started a thread from Welwyn a few days ago. Maybe if you 'bump' it up some others may reply and then you could organise meet ups? http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=141320&highlight=welwyn

14-09-13, 12:05
Greg We have to hang onto the thought that life can only get better for us and we will find happiness again and beat our demons in the process :)

14-09-13, 12:10
I was wondering how you were the other day as you haven't posted in a while.

So sorry to hear that you're feeling like this. As others have said it may be worthwhile asking your doctor about your meds.

It might also be worth ringing your local council & primary care trust to ask about groups etc as sometimes GP's aren't aware of everything that's out there, well mine isn't!!

Sending you hugs and hoping things improve. Please let us know how you get on if you can x

Daisy Sue
14-09-13, 15:39
Hi Greg.. I presume that you're in the Welwyn area, as someone's mentioned it above... I had an idea and checked something out for you... The hospital there has a volunteering section, you can check it out here.... http://www.enherts-tr.nhs.uk/get-involved/volunteering/

I thought of it because I visit a hospital dept regularly, and there are lots of really nice volunteers on the unit helping with all kinds of duties, and seem to enjoy their time there.

14-09-13, 21:46
hey Greg, what part of the UK are your from? If we live close we could hook up, couple of guys, maybe go for a beer, game of pool that kinda thing

14-09-13, 22:12
Sounds good times.i live in hemel.hempstead.i dont have a car.where are you