View Full Version : Had my echo

anx mum
14-09-13, 13:21
Because of my anxiety being so high I asked my cardio doc to fax my surgery regarding my echo results a Dr from the surgery rung me later that afternoon she said the echo was a fairly normal results then in her next breath she said I had a leak in one of my valves not really sure what this means but im worried:weep: will I need surgery she told me this on phone ive got an appointment mon so hopefully everything will be explained my ct scan is not until 1st oct got to say im so anxious at mo still getting horrible pains.

14-09-13, 13:56
I'm glad that you've had it done now and that the results sound good hun :D

Many, many people have little leaks in a heart valve. It's usually when the valve itself doesn't quite shut tight enough, so you get a little leak.

As I understand it, it's not usually a problem so long as you aren't getting any symptoms and the leak is small.

I'm glad you've got an appointment with your doctor for Monday, as they are the one's who can give you all the information and answer any questions that you have hun :hugs:

14-09-13, 21:43
If this is mild mitral valve regurgitation it is very, very common, harmless, and requires no treatment, from what I have read. You can read about it on the All Experts Cardiology forum - the drs on there never seem to think it is a cause for concern. Hope all goes well.

anx mum
14-09-13, 21:55
Thank u sabb

14-09-13, 23:39
Aw I'm sorry. I know I would too. What a vague thing for her to say.

I don't know anything about heart valves, hopefully the doctor will explain to you.

On the good side they discovered it,