View Full Version : Hi all - giving this a try after a few weeks of just lurking.

14-09-13, 18:28
Hi all, I'm a 23 year old female from Glasgow, Scotland. I've been on this forum quite a lot over the last couple of weeks, and decided that maybe it was time to see if posting, and not just lurking, might be able to help me.
I've been on and off anti depressants/ in and out of GP surgeries and mental health clinics (all outpatient facilities) since I was 15.
At the moment, I am really struggling with anxiety, and anger issues that I had previously thought I had overcome. I'm currently on citalopram (only 10mg to try to tackle the anxiety) and have been prescribed diazepam (2mg) which I am
only using when I feel that I really can't cope. I definitely feel that the diazepam dosage could be upped but I'm going to see how I get on with them for now. I'm also waiting to get set up for regular talking sessions, they've helped in the past so I'm optimistic.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll end up posting my whole life story soon enough (nothing too interesting I'm afraid).

Take care,

14-09-13, 19:30
Hi Beth,

Welcome :) you will find great help & advice here.

Sorry to hear that you are struggling, I too am feeling that way at present but my medication has been changed & I'm going to see how I go for a few weeks but I'm going to look into some counselling of some sorts as it may be good to talk to someone who doesn't know a thing about me. Have you had any counselling?

I too can have anger issues where I just feel angry & irritated for no reason & sometimes I feel like I want to hurt someone but I never have & never would!

If you need to chat we are all always here :)

HB xx

16-09-13, 18:12
Hi Beth. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

16-09-13, 18:27
This is a great place to Get support, Beth, you have made the right decision. I think most people are apprehensive about posting to start with but gradually they open up. It doesn't matter what your background is and what one person finds less interesting may well fascinate another person. The key thing is there are lots of lovely helpful people here who will be more than happy to offer you support.