View Full Version : Hate feeling like this!

14-09-13, 22:40
Hi all,

I've been suffering with intrusive thoughts a lot lately & it's really making me feel awful :(

They are stupid harming thoughts which I would never do but it's making me sit there & judge myself thinking would I really do that? Am I thinking this because I would? All these thoughts are running through my head & I feel so anxious & guilty!!

Help please!!

HB xx

15-09-13, 02:28
They r only thoughts...nothing more.....they do not reflect what is truly in your heart....don't let them alarm you. The more you agonize over them, the more they will persist. Rather, let them pass thru your mind, calmly examine them and dismiss them and don't take them seriously, ...soon you won't be that intrigued by them. In other words, just allow yourself to think them without fear or guilt, treat them as if they r no big deal.....just part of being in a high state of anxiety.

16-09-13, 13:54
Hi there; i agree this is true its the anxiety that help them continue. Everyone has intrusive thoughts but because they are not anxious they just let them pass through their head without much of a second thought. Know this is hard; just started suffering again with it myself but it does work if you dont let them worry you just takes practic. Wish you well :)

16-09-13, 18:38
Thank you all :) your kind words are much appreciated.

HB xx