View Full Version : For those with alleriges read this

14-09-13, 23:43
Just wanted to post that part of my CBT has taught me to try and look for positives.

So tonight I had an urge to google and instead of doing my usual meaningless google I've been looking up allergies.

Apparently having allergies is associated with a decreased risk of cancer!

In particular cancers mentioned were, pancreatic, bowel, cervical, breast, brain tumours and some others like leukemia.

Supposedly the more allergies you have the more protection you have. The allergies they listed were, hayfever, eczema, peanut, dog dander, pollen, and others.

It's based on the theory that people with allergies have a highly sensitive immune system that reacts more than normal and on this basis it seeks out abnormal cells and kills them, cancer cells being part of this.

So for all us moaning about our sneezes, itchy skin, watery eyes and coughing etc it says that there's a silver lining.

I know it's not a guarantee that we won't develop cancer but it feels nice to read something positive, especially when allergies can make you feel so damned miserable!

15-09-13, 11:53
This gave me a little smile, thank you!

15-09-13, 12:03
Well I have got most of those listed bar peanut!

15-09-13, 13:33
I forgot to add asthma to the list, that was in there as well! :D

15-09-13, 14:12
Ha ha had that as a child as well! I must be super immune ;)