View Full Version : When will these sensations go?

15-09-13, 08:12

As per my other post about a strange feeling in my leg, I just wondered when this will go (if other people have experienced it.)
When should I be worried or see the gp?
To recap, it's a bit like a numb feeling but I can feel it, it's like pins and needles are going to start but doesn't quite happen. It's affecting my left side of bottom and back of thigh. I also get tingles that come and go on left shoulder blade,but leg sensation is on its third constant day.
MS,MND, tumour pressing on a nerve...are my fears :-(

15-09-13, 08:48
I've had this for a few weeks now. Sometimes it's constant for a few days and other times I don't notice it so much even though it is still there. Pinched nerves tend to last a long time. No harm in seeing your doc this week to put your mind at rest. He may suggest some physio.
Try not to worry too much.

15-09-13, 09:27
They may come and go for ever. The trick is to recognise that having weird symptoms doesn't mean you have some terrible disease, just that you're human and a variation of normal.

15-09-13, 10:05
It's tricky when I say to others "I have this feeling ...(describe it)... Do u"
And no one else does.
I feel I can't go gp as I went for something else last week :-(

15-09-13, 10:10
I went the doctors this week because my thumb was numb he said ive pinched the nerve ,I was like you didn't no if I should go but that's what they are there for to help us :D

15-09-13, 11:51
I get that feeling in my left arm. It could be a pinched nerve of some sort!

15-09-13, 14:37
Yeah I thought that, but its just strange that its affected all one side.
I just can't face another GP app

15-09-13, 17:35
I get this too Hun - in my arms, makes me feel better that others do!

15-09-13, 20:44
Well after a day of google I have diagnosed ms for sure!!!
Please, someone disconnect my Internet

15-09-13, 20:48
Well after a day of google I have diagnosed ms for sure!!!
Please, someone disconnect my Internet

please don't google it will always give you the worse case then your anxiety kicks in big time ,I don't do it now it makes my anxiety worse :hugs:

15-09-13, 21:59
I know, it's so hard!! I'm just trying to find an answer :-(

15-09-13, 22:02
I've been having different strange sensations since my anxiety started about 18 months ago. The most worrying for my is similar to you in my left leg. Sometimes is better, sometimes worse, but always there.

I'm starting to think that with anxiety the nerves are ****ed up and it may be like this always. The good thing is, it's not stopping me do a normal life. Recently I started going to the gym, something that I though was not possible 1 year ago.

16-09-13, 08:12
Do you think??
I'm just trying to think; if it was MS what would I be doing differently. Answer is probably nothing, as you don't automatically have medications.
I'm thinking of starting a feelings diary and trying to have a balance diet and exercise.
Trying to think positive!?? :-/

16-09-13, 14:51
I haven't had all the tests to be sure that it's only anxiety. However I'm starting to think the other way around. If I can do all I want, why worry for MS...and from what I learned while browsing MS a lot, sometimes MS affects people only slightly and they may be never diagnosed. The point is, if it doesn't prevent you doing the daily things, why worry (easier said than done)

16-09-13, 17:21
Yeah a few good points there!! I think it's just because its annoying more than anything!
I think when I worry about cancer, I think "time is really important if I don't start treatment it could spread." But suppose with MS I'm thinking "what will be different if I found out it was!!" Answer would be nothing, as nothing can stop it/prevent it occurring!! I worry if stress is a factor as I'm in a stressful job x