View Full Version : Life changes that brought about my health anxiety

15-09-13, 09:55
I am new to this sight and I must admit that I am struggling daily with health anxiety. I have always been a worrier in life but about the things that everyone thinks about such as job, relationships etc. I have been blessed with good health and I am fit and healthy, rarely visiting the doctors and I have never been in hospital. Then this year, two things rocked my world. My mum was diagnosed with early onset Altzeimers and I began having fertility tests which uncovered gynocological issues which are still being investigated. Since these things have happened, I am fearful of dying. I look for anything that I can latch onto to make me feel worse such as a mole I have never seen before or dizziness and unexplained headaches. And yes Dr Google is my best friend ( or worst enemy) I am driving myself insane and my husband. I have begun CBT which is helping and I know the anxiety is due to the life changes that are occurring and i have no control over but when I am the most anxious it feels like I will never be normal again.
I am hoping by joining this forum I can get support from people who also feel the way I feel because I really want to overcome this and be the happy go lucky person I used to be.

15-09-13, 10:02
:welcome:there is lots of help and support here

15-09-13, 10:12
Thank you :)

16-09-13, 18:10
Hi Spike. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.