View Full Version : Empty/Hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach mixed with sadness

15-09-13, 11:34
It's a feeling which I find very difficult to describe. I used to get it in my childhood shortly after waking up it didn't last long but I felt very sad. Now recently while on holidays I had it again. We had free buffet so we were all eating a lot, my 83 year old mother is overweight and she kept eating and I eat lots too but I was thinking how bad the excess of food is for all of us and I felt very disgusted all of the sudden and the emptiness feeling in the pit of my stomach came with a feeling of sadness. I don't get it very often in fact the feeling reminded me of my childhood meaning that it's a very rare feeling. I would like to mention that I don't suffer from anorexia or bulimia I am a little bit overweight which makes me unhappy but I exercise often and watch what I eat, but genetically I have got a tendency to put on weight easily. I don't want to be influenced by the media about how you should look. I think now days we are bombarded about how you should look and been thin and having nice body it's a must that is why we are all obsess about loosing weight.
Have you ever experienced this feeling? Is it anxiety?

15-09-13, 13:44
I don't thinly this is anxiety but you've tapped into some underlying belief in your mind. It's interesting. Can't tell if its related to feelings of being overweight or not. It's hard to tell from what you write. Best thing to do would be to laser focus in on that feeling when it arises. Put your attention on it and see what comes up. Don't analyse just watch it.intently.