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View Full Version : Ikkiness within!

25-10-06, 00:09
HELP!! I've spent the last 2 days obsessively worrying that I LIKE incest. Which is totally gross, right? But when the thought of incest first popped into my head yesterday, I got those horrid tingly feelings we're all so familiar with. And I DIDN'T CARE. I honestly didn't care that I'd got aroused (cos lets face it, I did. Kinda.) at the idea of it!
Does incest turn me on? I know I should be grossed out, but I'm not. And today, I tried testing myself by thinking about it(VERY bad, I know), to see how I reacted, and I wasn't all that bothered by the idea. Didn't feel sick or anything. I flinched a bit. But mainly didn't care. AT ALL. Plus had tingly feelings!
I'm more bothered about the fact that I'm not bothered, if you see what I mean....
Kate xxx

26-10-06, 09:47
Hi Kate,
I wouldn't worry too much about it.At your age your father has been the predominant male in your life and the one male you'd feel you can trust.
Try thinking about the boys you know instead and you'll prolly find yourself having the same feelings towards them.
Having brought up a daughter I know the teenage years are really hard but you'll get through it.

Don't believe everything you think.

26-10-06, 12:46
Heya hun

I went through EXACTLY the same phase as this (god I honestly thought I was mad!) I think a lot of people do but it's not something we talk about.

There's nothing at all wrong with you :)

Sophie xx