View Full Version : Vision issue last night and now a headache all day

15-09-13, 14:58
Hi all,

Last night when going to bed I turned the light off but the room still had a little light.

Anyways I noticed that my right eye seemed strange, like I couldnt see out of it. What it was that the room seemed alot darker out of that eye then the left eye.

It's not normal for me. It seemed to rectify it self before I went to sleep, roughly 20mins, but it was strange.

Anyways Ive had quite a headache today. Considering I dont get headaches at all im just a bit worried.

Any ideas?

Im at a loss. :unsure::weep:

15-09-13, 15:12
It sounds like a mindgrain headache to me I've had them my self since I was 8 years old and I'm 32 now. So I would go see your GP and see if its just that. I'm very used to it it doesn't faze me anymore when I first started getting them I was very worried about them now 22 years later I'm like what ever! Lol. I hope this has helped you any?

15-09-13, 15:22
Yes thanks. I just never get headaches and I certainly didnt have a a headache when the vision thing happened. And sight seems okay now even though my head has been hurting all day!

15-09-13, 15:34
I get the Vision thing first then the headache. But now I mostly get just the vision part and no headache and sometimes I get that 5-8 times a day. It's very annoying.

15-09-13, 16:50
Hello there it does indeed sound like migraine with aura (this is the light element) but its wise as Tinker says to get it checked out especially as you have not had it before so take care blessings