View Full Version : Does this happen to you to?

15-09-13, 15:28
Does anyone ever notice that when there HA is up you notice that what ever your worried about it comes up a lot ie... Internet, pamphlets, things like that. I'm worried at the moment of BC (Breast C) I'm 32 no history and I have not found any lumps just my arm pit hurts sometimes so because its breast cancer awareness month right now here are pamphlets on it and I picked a few up now reading of the symptoms of armpit swelling. I'm now seeing it like everywhere, I want to turn off this over reaction and not think the wrose. I can't help it and I'm tired of this, which makes all his wrose yet again. How do you end this??

Anyone have any help for me? Please

15-09-13, 17:37
When your aware of something it's everywhere !! I get this with MS - I went abroad and all the number plates started with MS! Crazy!

My sister said its like when she thought she was pregnant - babies were everywhere!

16-09-13, 17:18
Yes definitely and the good thing is it's not just us with HA that this happens to.

A few years ago my sister in law had a BC scare and she said to me, "what makes it worse is that all I'm hearing about is BC on the news and I've heard of a couple of people that have been diagnosed"

Fortunately she was fine but it just goes to show that even without HA if something is on your mind you do tend to notice it a lot more, I think it's probably because subconciously we are paying a lot more attention to things that otherwise might pass us by.

17-09-13, 08:15
Yes. It's just that we are more sensitive and more tuned in to certain things, so we notice them more. It does feel like bit is everywhere though. When I was having breast cancer fears on every tv program I watched there was a character with cancer :( xx