View Full Version : Dull upper back pain

15-09-13, 16:10

It’s been a while since I posted but I’m in the middle of a massive health anxiety relapse and could do with some words of encouragement/perspective.

I’ve been suffering with a pain in my back for about a month, it’s right in between my right shoulder blade and my spine. I lifted some heavy furniture a few months ago and it all seemed to start after that. It’s a sort of dull ache that comes and goes, sometimes it moves a little higher and other times a little lower.

I’d been doing really well with keeping my anxiety under control but lately it’s gone off the scale again. I’m having thoughts that this may be pancreatic cancer, lung cancer or my gallbladder. I just can’t get these thoughts out of my head. The thing that’s really worried me is that at times, when I swallow food, the ache in my back sort of twinges and then immediately goes. I’ve stupidly Googled this and there are a lot of stories about people who have injured their trapezium muscle and that gives the same swallowing-ache as I seem to be having.

My wife is being super supportive and is over the moon that my anxiety seems to have been under control lately so I don’t want to burden her with all this again.

I guess I’m curios to know how long a back injury might take to heal, if that’s what this is.

Any words of logic/encouragement would be really welcome.

Thanks in advance,


15-09-13, 16:32
I am quite sure it is from lifting the furniture and muscle trauma can take some time to heal. A physiotherapist may be able to help or massage. Try putting a hot water bottle on the area where you have the pain and then ask your wife to massage the area for you.