View Full Version : why i am i like this?

15-09-13, 19:02
h imy HA is at a all time high and im not sure if this is the right place to post but ive managed to get myself in a right state today as this morning I woke up and I felt pressure in my nose and couldn't breathe out of it I have abit of a runny nose now. I then felt I couldn't breathe properly and ive been worring myself sick all day because yesterday I cleaned my bathroom with a cleaning spray ive never used before and it was quite strong and I did inhale it a little so now im worried that its got to my lungs. I have been trying all day not to ring nhs up or to ring helplines up for reassurance that im ok , as deep down it mite just be a start of a cold but I just cant help wanting to ring them which is making me more anxiouse. is it normal to feel this way when you feel ill as I always get my self in such a state everytime and try to reasurre myself but it don't help and just want some advice if this just my health anxiety that's making me be this way thk you

15-09-13, 19:42
there s lots of help and support here ,hope you feel better soon my anxiety does the same to me it makes you think alsorts :scared15:

15-09-13, 19:45
hi are you being treated for your HA if not i would strongly recommend that you go and discuss this with your dr, or else you will constantly have something to worry about as i believe a suffer will move on from one worry to another quickly so its important that you get that sorted as your priority.
With the breathing in of the fumes, i think the worry is when you do it, the inhaling it where the worry lie so i really think that you will be fine, your nose issue could be the starting of a cold or you nose is just blocked try not to worry i am sure you are ok but talk to your dr about the HA or else you will always have worries blessings