View Full Version : It was not a brain tumour after all

15-09-13, 22:51
Hands up if at any point in the past you've thought you had a brain tumour, but it turned out not to be one. If this is you, please leave your story below.

16-09-13, 00:46
I hear crickets chirping ;)

16-09-13, 02:49
I get head pains for over an year and a half. I was so afraid of going to the doctors cause I was convinced that I was going to die. It was so scary, I remember I kept thinking about my funeral, about all the things I'd miss in life and all the people I love. When I finally got the courage to go to the doctors, I didn't believe his words. He said that I do not have symptoms of brain tumor but I was so convinced that he was wrong because Dr.Google told me so. I did a CT scan. It was completely clear. I guess the doctor was right and after all I do not have BT. I still get the pains and they're very exhausting but I somehow learned to accept the fact that anxiety works in so many strange ways and I'll just have to accept it.

16-09-13, 03:28
I've had health anxiety since I was a child and my mums side of the family were not very healthy people!! My uncle died of a brain tumour and I thought I had one! I used to get funny feelings in my head and headaches etc although I had no idea what the symptoms of a brain tumour were!

Anyway, I was a young teen and am now 56 and I think I was wrong..........turns out I didn't have a brain tumour after all :wacko::winks:


27-09-13, 12:07
Yeah, same! convinced of it, i had 3 different eye tests, a number of neuro tests, all sorts. I was so stressed out i didnt realise it was the stress that was making me feel like that. My doctor point blank told me its a mixture of anxiety and my migraines. I also was taken off my pill, shock horror they started to go, well that combined with my CBT. xx

27-09-13, 15:27
I have had many brain tumours over the years. Constant daily headaches, sometimes the pain was so bad it made me sick.

My aunt died of a brain tumour a number of years ago so that thought is always in my mind.

However, I'm still here.

The doc reckons it's a combination of sinus issues, migraines and you guessed it......anxiety.

I do have to say however, since starting on Citalopram six months ago I haven't had a single bad migraine.

Female healthanxiety
27-09-13, 16:15
Yes I did - I was convinced I had an clot or similiar - In the past 10 years have had a CT scan and a full blown MRI - TO WHICH both were fine!

27-09-13, 17:47
Years ago I had an MRI scan because they thought I might have an Acoustic Neuroma. I wasn't too convinced I had, but of course it was a worry.

When I went for my results, the guy said, "I'm pleased to tell you your brain is normal," at which I burst out laughing and said, "Can I have that in writing for my friends?"

You know those really humourless specialists?

The ones who look as though they are about to refer you on to a colleague..???

Just saying... :whistles: