View Full Version : Don't know what to do

16-09-13, 11:49
I don't know where to begin, but all through my life I've had certain mental health issues. My worst phase was in my late teens, which I can only describe as hell, it ruined any chances of a career.

However, now at 37 I find myself feeling worthless and the only reason I carry on is because if I did something, I know the effect I it would have on my children - I simply couldn't put them through it.

I recently went to the Dr's organised for CBT and went to my first couple of sessions where they seemed to just emphasise how much I should turn up or else or else my sessions would be cancelled - that's all they seemed bothered about. So I felt so humiliated when I turned up and the councillor (or whatever they are) failed to because of a tyre. Not her fault, but I felt so embarrassed and stupid, I asked to see a different person. Each phonecall or message again emphasising the importance of ringing back or else they'd assume I'd no longer want to see them. The manager then embarressed me further because she rang when I couldn't talk and asked me lots of embarrassing questions and was very brusk.

Another appointment was organised, but as I left, I realised it was in a different location. To make matters worse, my first serious boyfriend is a Dr there and there was every chance I might bump into him, plus I couldn't find the place. By the time I rang to say I'd be late I was in such a state, I couldn't talk and just cancelled the appointment and the treatment.

But I'm not getting better. Plus, I don't know whether I've even got GAD. The more I look at adult adhd, the more I think that is me. I have serious problems with relationships (strangely not with my husband or kids), but for small things I frequently feel I could cut off all my relationships with my family, friends - I can't cope with them.

I have seriously underperformed in life, I can never stay in a job for more than a year in my whole life. It's not that I've ever been out of work, it just i cannot cope with the same thing. I am constantly late, because waiting around is unbearable and I find it so difficult to judge any task. i have to have a constant thing going on around me, I need distraction constantly and these repetative words are just in my head all the time. Namely that I want to kill myself or I'm useless (just over and over). It's the first thing I think of when I wake up, otherwise I worry that I am going to die.

No-one knows how I feel, but how can I simply just cut people off, how can I not cope with close relationships? People move away and I'm happy to cut them off dead. What is wrong with me - I am not a nice person, I am angry, unhappy and distructive. I haven't written half - but I'm sorry for the long post. I just wondered if anyone could relate to me.

16-09-13, 12:27
Hi I have a daughter with Aspergers and she often feels like you, I don't actually have the condition but have a lot of the characteristics and many are round socialising and relationships. I like you am fine with my partner and children. It may just be that because you have so much going on in your mind that these extra relationships or contacts just over load you. Because all friendships or communications end up in people sharing with you and this might just be too much for you to add to your load. I know there are times when my daughter cant interact with other people and even at 6th form would have to come home as she couldn't interact on particular days. I am not suggesting you have aspergers, but the sensitivity to communication may give you a similar over loaded feeling .... if any of that made sense lol :)

16-09-13, 12:39
Hi, sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time, I definitely think it's worth going back to your doctor and mentioning the ADHD if you suspect that's what you might have. I can sympathise about the CBT having just had my appointments cancelled due to my therapist becoming unwell. Not anyones fault at all I know, but I feel there isn't much in place to help people through, you have to wait ages for your course to start and then have that extra worry of missing an appointment and being struck off the course. I know they don't have many resources but that's no excuse, there needs to be improvements! Maybe you could ask your doctor if there is any different therapies you could try that are more long term, local and more relaxed about the appointments?

16-09-13, 12:39
Thanks - there is something wrong with me. I think the dr's just haven't identified what's wrong. I'm so awful I told my mother I didn't want to see her or my sisters ever again. They haven't done anything wrong, I just feel so angry at having to communicate with them, I feel angry at them for really tiny things, I'm acting like a child and I don't know why. I just feel very angry and sad, but it could be what you have suggested.

Strangely enough my dad could very easily do the same thing and would often ignore me if he saw me in the street - and I can understand that.

16-09-13, 12:41
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

what medication are you on?

16-09-13, 12:45
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

what medication are you on?

I'm not on any medication. I have a fear of it - so even if the dr suggested it, I doubt i could bring myself to take it - I don't trust them. I do take thyroxine, but only because I have to and even then I have a very strange relationship with it. I don't even take paracetamol unless I'm bed bound by pain.

16-09-13, 13:12
I'm not on any medication. I have a fear of it - so even if the dr suggested it, I doubt i could bring myself to take it - I don't trust them. I do take thyroxine, but only because I have to and even then I have a very strange relationship with it. I don't even take paracetamol unless I'm bed bound by pain.

I'm no doctor, but if you are getting morbid thoughts about about wanting to die, you probably do need anti-d's. In my personal experience, nothing is worse than morbid thoughts. Citalopram has helped me a lot in this respect. :hugs:

16-09-13, 13:30
I'm no doctor, but if you are getting morbid thoughts about about wanting to die, you probably do need anti-d's. In my personal experience, nothing is worse than morbid thoughts. Citalopram has helped me a lot in this respect. :hugs:

I did once take a mild anti-depressant a long time ago and it made my arms and legs go numb, so it's not something I can bring myself to try again. One look at the lists of side effects puts me off taking medication.

16-09-13, 14:44
I am sorry you feeling this as i know its not nice, after reading your post i thought i am not alone on how i feel.

I can relate with you in all aspects of how you feel, and the reasons for this, i have been for a long time, but just last year i have faced the truth and went to see my GP. I am now on meds and support session with my psychiatrist for the last year, but still have been finding some days a struggle, good days, bad days but there seem to be more good days now though. One day at a time.

16-09-13, 17:10
I am sorry you feeling this as i know its not nice, after reading your post i thought i am not alone on how i feel.

I can relate with you in all aspects of how you feel, and the reasons for this, i have been for a long time, but just last year i have faced the truth and went to see my GP. I am now on meds and support session with my psychiatrist for the last year, but still have been finding some days a struggle, good days, bad days but there seem to be more good days now though. One day at a time.

Just out of interest, what have you been diagnosed with - I just think they won't get it right. I just don't know what truth there is to face up to - I know all my flaws than i do any positive traits (at the moment I can't think of one).

Does anyone else get the cutting off contact with people and not being bothered when you should be? What is that?

17-09-13, 22:02
What I'd say is don't be too harsh on yourself. I'm sure you do actually have many positive traits, but low self-esteem is clouding your view of them at the moment. For a start, I can tell that you can write well, and in spite of what you said in your first post, you must be a nice caring person as you've already given advice to several other anxiety sufferers on this forum even though you're new here.

I think CBT can take a while to work, especially if you've been used to thinking negatively for a long time. So there is still a chance it can help you. Other techniques I've found useful include mindfulness - I find it a good way to relax and to focus on the present moment rather than worrying about the past or future. I don't believe anyone is beyond help, it's just that you need to find what works for you. :)

17-09-13, 22:19
Thanks Sparkle - I attempted to build bridges today, but you know how it gets you down sometimes - you can feel emotionally numb and it can make you feel very selfish. I don't feel too bad today (Mondays are my worst).

The CBT - you know when you're an anxious person (glad I'm in good company here) it's very difficult not to be suspicious of everything and the mountain that you feel you have to climb, sometimes it's easier to crawl into that box and wallow!

I'm convinced I have some other condition other than GAD - but then we do that don't we - us anxious people.