View Full Version : Mild headaches need response

16-09-13, 13:00
I've posted here before & I've been keeping kind if log or notes. I notice if I strain eyes too much or have too much stress in my life, I get tension headache. I've read that it's very common for tension to start back of head & move forward but I've had the reverse happen too. Is that common too? My headaches are sinus/ tension but I've come too realize that although sinus is part of it, it's more tension related. I've also read that sinus can trigger tension & vice versa. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thank You!

16-09-13, 20:41
Still awaiting response

16-09-13, 20:50
Have you had your eyes tested at all, you mention eye strain so i was wondering if your eye sight maybe a possible cause? I think symptoms of headache differ for different people, so you may have something someway whereas i may have something different, i would concern yourself with mild headaches it will probably be where you are worrying, i am sure if you can relax the headaches will leave, but definatley the opticians may be an idea blessings

16-09-13, 22:24
Hi aggie, you misunderstood my question. I go for regular eye checkups & wear glasses for reading, but don't always wear them. BUT MY QUESTION WAS can tension headache move from back to front & vice versa? That's my question. Do you know the answer to that?

16-09-13, 22:28
I posted earlier about mild headaches & mentioned eye strain which I know it is partly because I don't always wear glasses when I should BUT my REAL question is can tension headache move from back to front AND vice versa. I've read it's common for it to come back to front. Just wondering if it works the other way too. Can someone tell me if they know? Would very much appreciate it.

16-09-13, 22:40
I will merge the posts together as you don't need to keep posting it

16-09-13, 23:19
Violet you have posted 36 different threads about exactly the same thing since 2011!

I don't mean to sound harsh but I think people are not replying so much is that they have already replied to your previous threads about the same subject and you just keep posting about the same thing so they feel they have nothing else to add.

You have also you have had this problem for over 2 years now so that should tell you that it is not serious otherwise drs would have picked things up.

I get mild headaches and tension headaches and yes they move around your head, to be honest headaches are a normal part of life and can have many different causes.....stress being a major one!

You worrying about the headaches may actually be causing the headaches!

It is a vicious circle, The stress that is caused by you worrying about the headaches is causing the stress/tension headache, so maybe you need to quit thinking about the headaches and they may just subside.

also please could you also stop making threads about the same thing over and over again, you will find you will get a lot more response if you stick to one thread and keep bumping it up with your worries rather than spreading it over so many threads


17-09-13, 03:32
WOW Venus 36? Seems you're keeping closer track of my posts than I am. I don't see why it should matter to you how many posts I leave. As for the 2 yrs of posts people come & go so I figured there's always the chance of new opinions since my drs aren't helping. Well it's good to know there are post police on this site.

17-09-13, 12:48
Violet - did you read this post I did:


it may explain what Venus is saying.

Yes we do monitor posts as well.

17-09-13, 13:13
So are you telling me there's a limit to how many times I can post on same or similar topic? & I thought if there would be any monitoring, it would be for abusive or inappropriate content, not for counting how many posts a person should make on a certain topic. What's your definition of monitoring? I'm curious.

17-09-13, 13:23
What Nicola is saying is... If you ask for advice and people graciously take the time to respond, then one should take the initiative to heed that advice. If you continue to ask the same thing, in your case for two years, then people will stop responding. It's "The Boy (or in your case Girl) Who Cried Wolf" syndrome. What do you think a newbie will say that others haven't?

Yes, it's comforting to know others share your dilemma, but when you use the forum to feed your illness, then it becomes a deterrent to getting well.

Personally, I do look at the history of a poster to see if there's a pattern. It helps to determine the proper way to respond.

Good luck!

17-09-13, 13:33
Violet - if you keep adding to the one post then people can see the full history of your problem.

For example you posted and someone replied asking if you have had your eyes tested which you have but if we follow just one post about your headaches then we can read and see what you have had done and what tests etc.

Otherwise we go round in circles asking the same questions over and over again which you have already answered before.

So what we are saying is just add to one post each time and it will then be a full history.

You can post as many times as you like on it then.

17-09-13, 13:38
Violet we monitor all threads and posts, abusive, inappropriate content, duplicate threads as ALL forums do.

If you look round the forum you will see threads deleted as 'duplicate posts/threads' where people post the same thing.

We do not mind how many times you post about a topic, all we are saying is please add to the one post about it rather than starting a new thread each time then people know your story from the beginning and will be able to give educated advice about your situation.

All I was saying is that members sometimes see people posting many threads about the same thing and feel like any advice they give is being ignored so therefore not give advice on future threads, then it may look like people are ignoring you....which may be why you have to 'bump' your threads at times.

It is the 'nature of the beast' of HA so to speak but I do think that you stressing about the headaches may actually be causing some of the headaches as it is stressing you so much.

17-09-13, 13:52
Back on topic!

Violet - I'm afraid I haven't read any previous posts, so I'm not up to scratch and forgive me if I'm repeating some questions or asking some silly ones, I'm new.

When I worry about something, it's usually because I've given it some dreadful diagnosis already. My panic attacks are strokes and so are my migraines etc.

It probably is very normal for a headache to move - mine do. I get them from lack of sleep and sitting at the computer for too long, but it doesn't stop me from fearing the worst.

Do you drink many fluids during the day, because it could be something as simple of dehydration? I know you probably want a "yes" answer, but as none of us on here are medical doctors, we can only share our experiences. What is it that worries you about them?