View Full Version : Throat and ear problems

16-09-13, 13:49
Back in April this yr I suddenly got a full ear and weird throat irritation on my right side, it's not sore just irritated. Went to the docs who said I had fluid behind ear drum which went when i took decongestants for a week. Well the throat irritation took about 8 weeks to go, didn't help that I constantly thought about it which probably made it worse, I was also very aware of when I was swallowing and seemed to need to swallow more than normal.

Well about 6 weeks ago the throat irritation came back and lasted for about 2 weeks, went away again for another2 weeks But its now back. I don't know what it is.i have tried to make a drs appt but my doc is off at the mo and she's the only one I get on with at the practice. If I focus on it it gets worse-sometimes it goes completely if I am busy etc. my ear feels full again and sometimes rings etc.its really getting me down as its all I can focus on. I don't have any troubling swallowing or eating. I am trying not to panic and think its something bad but that's what I do.

Anyone have any experience of anything similar. The throat it titration feels like its where my nose meets my throat.

Ps I am absolutely terrified of drs looking in and putting things in my mouth and am scared that ii'll get referred to ent who will have to look with a camera

Thanks for reading


17-09-13, 11:30
Anyone please?x

17-09-13, 12:06
Could it be post nasal drip? That can definitely cause a sore/irritated throat and can be on one side or both. It would tie in with the ear as well as you probably have a lot of mucus hanging about. Sometimes it is allergies that make us produce too much mucus. Easy for me to say (sitting here obsessed with other symptoms!) but I doubt it's anything to worry about. X

17-09-13, 12:17
Your tongue looks quite red on your profile picture...

17-09-13, 15:52
Thanks for your replies and lol at skippy!!! That did make me laugh.

I don't know what it is but I've made a drs appt for next week and now am absolutely terrified. More so of getting referred to an ENT as I'm sure they would want to look with a camera and I have a fear of vomiting and gagging :-(