View Full Version : mouth ulcers

piglits pal
25-10-06, 09:38
Does anyone else get recurring mouth ulcers?

I've got one right at the back of my mouth like a little blister thing. I can "pop" it with my tongue but a week later it's back again.

My doctor says it's because I'm run down. Be nice if I knew I wasn't the only one who gets this.

25-10-06, 09:42

I always get ulcers due to anxiety, even had 5 in six weeks before.

I take a muti vit a day, suggested by the dentist because I also went to see them about my ulcers.


25-10-06, 10:05
Hi my better half has been getting ulcers alot and they are really big ones to.But men never listen,wont take advise!!!!!!!!:(he hasnt been sleeping very well,and has alot of problems with being blocked up and sniffly so im pretty sure he is run down.Have a word with your chemist,he will be able to recomend something for them.;)

Ellen XX

25-10-06, 12:21
dont panic i have one on my gum just like yours i pop it and it comes back.......you are not alone!!!!!

kaz x

25-10-06, 15:15
I've suffered recurrent mouth ulcers since I was a kid. Sometimes I can get a couple a month or I can go 6 months without one. The doctor doesn't really know what causes them although he did say it could because you're run down or eating too many tomatoes.

25-10-06, 17:08
I get mouth ulcers, always have done, for years and years. I think mine are stress related but also due to lack of Vitamin B. When I was taking a Vitamin B complex, they went away for a few months, but I stopped the Vitamin B (because I thought they could be linked to my palpitations) and they have come back again.

I have also found that using Corsodyl helps to a certain degree too, but you need to do it religiously for a month.

25-10-06, 17:36
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I get mouth ulcers, always have done, for years and years. I think mine are stress related but also due to lack of Vitamin B. When I was taking a Vitamin B complex, they went away for a few months, but I stopped the Vitamin B (because I thought they could be linked to my palpitations) and they have come back again.

I have also found that using Corsodyl helps to a certain degree too, but you need to do it religiously for a month.

<div align="right">Originally posted by ckirby25 - 25 October 2006 : 17:08:05</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Funny you should say that about B vit tabs, I've been taking a high dose of vitamin B complex for about 3 months and haven't had an ulcer in that time, I have noticed I have been getting palpatations though and muscle twitches.