View Full Version : Is it normal to feel like our body is functioning , but your not in control or your o

16-09-13, 14:04
Is it normal to feel like our body is functioning , but your not in control or your on the outside looking in?

I dont know if this is caused by to much sleep as i could not get my self out of bed yesterday, (16 hours sleep) and today i feel so on edge, anxiety levels are through roof, and i am not doing anything, just today when out i had trouble talking mixing my words up, getting stressed just going into garage for fuel, even driving feels strange, dont know if this is just a bad few days i am having. Shaking a lot also today even after my 5mg diazepam.

Its strange how to describe how i feel, but even today i still dont feel, like i normally do, hoping this will pass??

Can anyone relate to this???


16-09-13, 18:24

Yes, I get it all the time, it's depersonalisation, a very common symptom of anxiety.

I've always found that lack or sleep or too much makes no difference, unless of course either makes your anxiety worse.

I certainly get very anxious about sleep deprivation, which can exacerbate all anxiety symptoms.
