View Full Version : pain in temple and scared

16-09-13, 14:22
hi everyone I have been getting really bad headache for months now all over left side of head. I have been having pain in left temple feelin tired and sick also dizzy and off balance. just been to doctors she sendin me for blood test to check for temple artritis. im scared

16-09-13, 20:59
Hello, you have done the right thing in going to the drs, there is no point in going through alot of pain when you can get some help from a dr. I would not start worrying what it could be just feel reassured that you are now in the right hands and that you are going to be sorted out. I am afraid i have no idea what temple artritis is sorry, but a blood test will be short and over quickly then you can just sit back, it could of course be headaches and symptoms from worry and anxiety and you may find once you have been checked that you can relax abit and the headaches may wane, so try and not look into what you may have and no googling as you will scare youself silly take care and blessings

16-09-13, 21:10
its something to do with ur vein in temple it can cause blockage and make u go blind have stroke or heartattack.