View Full Version : Feeling sorry for myself

16-09-13, 17:06
So despite taking my vitamins daily I've succumbed to the cold that everyone else around me has had.

Just wanted to ask does anyone else get a stomach ache when they get a cold?

I don't always get one but sometimes I get a really crampy stomach and feel quite sick.

Unfortunately this cold the majority of the mucus seems to be draining down my throat rather than down my nose which I'm sure isn't helping but I just wondered if others get upset stomachs when they have colds?

16-09-13, 17:51
I get all sorts of things when I get a cold. It always starts with a sore throat, and often for days afterwards I will feel off colour achy and anything else. I think when the clod virus strikes, most things are fair game.

16-09-13, 19:18
i know quite a few people who have had stomach ache with a cold i was told it was when you get a cold ect your glands swell well this can also happen with the glands in your stomach hence the belly ache x

01-10-13, 20:37
Are u feeling better munchlet?

02-10-13, 12:08
Aww hun, sorry you're feeling so poorly, yes I sometimes get a dodgy stomach if I'm down with anything at all, I just think it's where whatever we're fighting, makes an impact on everything else.

I do hope you start to feel better soon :hugs:

02-10-13, 12:12
Yes I do