View Full Version : Really anxious about dead bird

16-09-13, 20:41
Yesterday I was at the beach with my mom and her friend, I was walking to the shore and then I look down and a small, grey, dead bird is really close to my foot, and I move away as soon as I realize, and now I'm still so anxious about it. My mom says she saw the same bird and walked close to it too, and said that her friend stepped on it, and that they are not freaking out or worried. The reason why I'm scared is because I have a fear of rabies. Its been a month now that I've been hating my cat going outside because I'm scared that he will eat a dead bat, or that I will somehow go close to a dead bat carcass and get rabies. Please don't tell me any rabies stories thanks, but I'm really scared. Where I live the only carriers of rabies are bats. I'm just really anxious even though everyone else tells me it's not a problem.

16-09-13, 20:53
I am sure you will be fine having just seen the dead bird, i think i am right in assuming that rabies is carried via a bite and infected saliva, so you will be fine. Are you on any medication for HA or depression it might be worth speaking to your dr i am sure they could help you live a calmer and happier life good luck and blessings

16-09-13, 21:36
I agree with aggiecuttler, you would have to be bitten by the animal to be infected and you will not be infected at all by just being close to it.

16-09-13, 22:24
Only mammals get rabies, so you definitely won't catch it from a dead bird.