View Full Version : plz help anx over heart symptoms

anx mum
16-09-13, 22:20
im so scared ive got chest pains bad today aswell us under my left breast im scared something wrong and they haven't picked up on it my ct scan is the start of oct. My anxiety is sky high anyone feeling the same?:weep:

16-09-13, 22:48
Yes I'm feeling the same tonight I've got chest pain and keep having palpitations don't no why the palpitations feel like my heart is skipping a best it sends a strange feeling threw my body I don't like it I keep telling myself its ok don't worry it will be ok x

17-09-13, 00:17
My anxiety has gone sky high lately too and all sorts of chest pain/discomfort worries. Breathing worries....the list is endless. It's horrible I know. I try hard to concentrate on something else, sometimes I win and sometimes I don't. You've had lots of tests and you should be assured that there's nothing seriously wrong but high anxiety levels are causing you to have discomfort and pain to the point where you are sure there is something sinister going on. Do you have acid reflux? I know that causes pain and discomfort all over the chest area, I have it.
