View Full Version : Soooooo fatigued....help me

17-09-13, 02:01
:weep: I have been struggling with anxiety and panic for a couple yrs and the worst part is the severe, sickly tiredness that has been weighing me down for over a year now. Please, does anyone have advice or can relate? I just feel so physically ill...horrible deathly fatigue. And yes I have had all possible blood work and heart tests evaluated.....seem to be healthy and fine....my sleep used to be very bad but has been improving a great deal, but still extremely tired. The fatigue feeling is mixed with a shakey weird feeling at times and sometimes frightens me. Eating doesn't seem to have any effect either........

17-09-13, 09:59
I would file that under 'normal'

Anxiety and panic puts an immense stress on the body, and I've found it's not only the amount of sleep I get (which is not a lot) but the quality of sleep that matters.

It's one of those things you have to ride out until you start to feel better.

Over time, exercise can be a great relief for fatigue believe it or not.

17-09-13, 13:11
Thanks, It's hard to believe anxiety can make one so ghastly fatigued...it seems it will never go away

17-09-13, 14:27
I suffer with this too. Sometimes I think I'm just going to collapse or lose consciousness because I'm sooooo out of it, and my body feels awful. I have overwhelming physical and mental exhaustion everyday. I would honestly prefer to have a test come back positive for something than have to wonder why I feel this way!

:hugs: to you.

17-09-13, 20:38
:ohmy: yes yes yes, that's me too.... It kinda feels like my body is coming out of the flu or something...rubbery, weak, floppy and washed out, not quite a hey, but yucky tired...... The hard part is that I keep thinking that if I felt better then I could deal with the anxiety/panic better.....

17-09-13, 20:46
I have felt this many times in the past. It's truly horrid and mentally exhausting! I also find that I body scan a lot when feeling so physically unwell, constantly checking my "status". This hurts, that aches, I feel this ... etc etc. Over time I have tried not to scan or dwell on how I am feeling (as for me it seems to make it worse to focus on it).

Going for a 10 minute walk does wonders for me. Take in the sights, the smells the sounds. Just throw on any old clothes and go! Don't think about it or find reasons not to, just do it. It really helps me on bad days. All the best :)

17-09-13, 20:49
I feel like this too, anxiety is tough on your mind and body :(

17-09-13, 22:36
I have felt this many times in the past. It's truly horrid and mentally exhausting! I also find that I body scan a lot when feeling so physically unwell, constantly checking my "status". This hurts, that aches, I feel this ... etc etc. Over time I have tried not to scan or dwell on how I am feeling (as for me it seems to make it worse to focus on it).

I do this too! It's a downward spiral because when my body feels exhausted, it's all my mind can focus on which makes my mind exhausted, then before I know it I'm overwhelmed and want to curl up in a ball in bed. The worst is when I get this feeling going to work because I think "how am I going to make it through this day?"

18-09-13, 00:45
Well I would just like to know how long this awful tiredness/flu like feeling persists? I have had it over a year now and feel desperate. Does anyone have any experience with recovery and how many months or yrs it takes to feel well again physically?...

20-09-13, 07:06
Completely with you atm and I have two kids to look after alone. It's a lonely place and very exhausting. Don't have enough energy to fully appreciate them :(