View Full Version : My little anxiety poem!

17-09-13, 08:08
You wake up in the morning and you feel ready to go, but as the day ticks along your worries start to show, "what's that feeling in my leg- oh god a DVT?", you tell another person and they think your just crazy,
At first you laugh it off and say "yeah I'm just dramatic," but really your getting anxious and beginning to feel sick!
You carry on the day ...."what's that, my chest is tight," the cycle starts agin, this anxiety is hard to fight!
You google on your phone and try to find the answer, but you only feel worse when your symptoms all mean cancer!
You ignore the world around you as your 'illness' is the focus, you cry and get upset hoping family will not notice!
Some people are supportive and show empathy towards you, others get frustrated as they haven't got a clue!
I've had tablets from the doctor and I've started CBT, but this is not a quick fix problem as the cure is down to me!
One day I hope my worries will be at the back of my head, as I'd love to live my life without constant fear and dread xxx

17-09-13, 08:31
:) You have wtiiten this well and just as anxiety is.

17-09-13, 08:38
Haha, thanks!
Not quite a poet but I found it helpful writing not down x

17-09-13, 09:56
Very well said!

17-09-13, 15:38
Thanks! I was just reflecting a little. I could write one around my new MS fear :-/

17-09-13, 16:04
Ha Ha brilliant

17-09-13, 16:19
My sisters best friend has ms she was 38 when diagnosed she was at my sisters the other day she does ant no I suffer from health anxiety I said to her (my ms fear in my mind)I'm dick of this vibrating fizzing feeling in my legs and pelvic area she said really what do you mean I explained to her and she said I've never heard of anything like that so I thought well she has ms and if she's never heard of it then I can't have ms x

17-09-13, 23:33
That's interesting!
I don't know, I just think I tick all the boxes especially the tingling and strange sensations in left side of body daily (for 5 days now.)

09-12-16, 18:37
It's sad I've just found this and realised I've had health anxiety 4 years now

10-12-16, 13:24

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

11-12-16, 07:58
Nice words.
Our absurd words can help us understand stuff from time to time

11-12-16, 08:01
Good little poem.:yesyes: