View Full Version : So convinced that I have esophageal cancer...

17-09-13, 10:23
Yes, I am probably REALLY dumb for thinking I have it since I am only 18 years old, nearly 19, but.. I have a lot of the same symptoms as it.. Some days I am fine, but most other days it feels like food/drink is being regurgitated into the back of my throat, which makes me stop in my tracks for a few seconds. It doesn't burn at all. Sometimes I do get the odd occasional heartburn and acid taste when I burp but that only happens like two times a month, if that. If I eat a little too much (and it's not THAT much, believe me), I get stomach pains, feel really nauseous for about 30 minutes and just generally feel crappy.

The specialist at the hospital thinks it is nothing serious at all, and thinks it may be a Hiatus Hernia, but the only symptoms I have of that is burping, bad nausea and finding swallowing slightly difficult.

I want to have an endoscopy done, but they don't want to perform one on me because they think that it isn't necessary at my age.. I've got to go back in November for a check-up, but I'm almost sure that they're just going to send me away and got to go back for another check-up in 6 months. :(

Digestive issues do run in my family as my Dad has acid reflux and a weak esophagus.

I'm really scared though, and no one seems to understand how awful I feel daily, not even family. :weep: I am convinced that I won't live past 25 years of age.

17-09-13, 10:38
So sorry you are so unhappy, i would suggest that when you go in november you really plead for the procedure, i am sure there will be nothing wrong with you but if you are so concerned then i would try and them to understand you fear and have the procedure you want take care and blessings

17-09-13, 12:02
Hi love, I have GERD but I don't get the burning feeling the vast majority of the time. I was actually hospitalised this last friday with severe pain where the esophagus is and vomiting - and it was pressure, not burning so I was positive it was not acid. Well Lo and behold, they gave me acid pills (Lansoprazole) and after taking them for 2 days, the pain left.

I suspect the worst thing you would have is a little ulcer (at the very worst at your age and with your symptoms). The doctors know what they are looking for. They know what cancer *looks* like. We just have google. They have years and years of medical training. We just have google. The problem is we all hear about it that 1 in a 100000 time that they are wrong, and not the other 9999999 times they are right.

17-09-13, 12:16
Trust the specialist.

The stomach is one of the first things affected by anxiety. Also, people just get stomach issues all the time for no apparent reason. They can come and go.

I've had 2 endoscopies and you don't want to go there trust me. Both times I had horrendous indigestion, stomach pains, swallowing problems - and both times the results were absolutely negative. I still get stomach issues from time to time but I've learnt that it just happens. It's just the human body.

Try to change your diet, but if that doesn't work don't get despondent.

17-09-13, 12:25
I used to think like this an all other neg thinking I suffer bad with acid (on a flare up now) its really getting me down cos everything am eating right now seems to irritate it more just bottom of ribs of above navel it's like a raw/gnawing /stinging feeling an like my food gets stuck there :( acid/sickly taste in throat it just won't settle my mind try's working overtime with cancer /illness etc but I just try telling my self its just acid.. I am on omeprazole one a day only started them yesterday so hope it settles soon :(

17-09-13, 19:35
I have a friend who had very similar symptoms and it turned out she had some food sensitivities and allergies that caused it. She's now off refined sugar, dairy and wheat and feels great. Perhaps a mention to your doc or a visit with a naturopath might be in order to eliminate dietary issues.
Best to you while you figure this all out.