View Full Version : Tough Time

17-09-13, 11:16
Hi all after developing anxiety 13 years ago I became anxiety free for 2 years. Now out of no where its come back!!! Upset and struggling thought Id put this behind me so very rusty on dealing skills stuck is circle looking for way out. Have restarted 20mg Citalopram yesterday and Doctor given me 1 mg Lorazopram to help me relax sleep at night while cit kicks in and relearn my CBT. FEEL FAILURE to wife and children.:weep:

17-09-13, 11:57
Simply the fact that you are seeking help and helping yourself means that you are NOT a failure to them.

17-09-13, 12:02
Hello Volvoman,

It's hard not to - but don't feel a failure - you're not. If you had some other illness, you wouldn't feel like you'd let your family down. It's so frustrating when something like that comes back, because you think once it's gone, it won't come back. One step at a time, you're doing something positive about it. I've been to the dr several times in my life and had CBT 3 times. It does go away again and you'll be able to gradually feel more human again. I think sometimes we have to accept it happens and there can seem no rhyme or reason to it. For me, I think I fall back into old patterns, although each time the illness has manifested it in a different way.

I know it's difficult to feel positive, but I see it a bit like your driving test, if you don't pass the first or second time, it can often make you a better driver.

Hope you're okay and don't be so hard on yourself.

17-09-13, 12:05
anxiety makes us feel this way, you are not a failure you didn't choose to have anxiety ,unfortunately it can hit you at anytime that's life stay posivtive you can beat it again :D

17-09-13, 12:35
You are not a failure to anyone. You have an illness.

It's really positive that you were anxiety free for 2 years. You should be able to get back to that position again. Like you say, your coping skills are rusty and re-learning them will help.

Seeking help is the best thing you could have done. I hope the meds will improve things while you rebuild your coping mechanisms.