View Full Version : Acid reflux is a pain in the a**e

17-09-13, 13:58
Aaaarrrrgggg my acid playing up again (even though my heads telling me its something major :weep: my neg thinking takes over BIG time...

Am just tryin to tell myself its just acid!!!

Raw/stinging feeling just below ribs right across (more to left)
Rawness above navel (more to left)
Feeling food is stuck just below ribs in center
Feeling I need to burp but it won't come out
Burning/taste in throat on/off

17-09-13, 14:19
Have you had an endoscopy yet?

17-09-13, 18:08
Nope still to scared :( so doc said he doesn't want to make me feel worse am back on omeprazole 20mg but this is doing my head is now its been bad a few days now just above navel or below ribs like stinging an sometimes goes tight :(

17-09-13, 18:31
Know how you feel Honeyp1e I'm too scared to have an endoscopy after a failed attempt that totally freaked me out. As you too have a vomiting phobia I suspect you may also have a bad gag reflex, it's this that made me stop the endoscopy.

I'm on omeprazole all the time as I suffer with acid regurgitation during the night, I wake up with my throat burning every morning. I really need an endoscopy as I'm scared of damage to my oesphogus and what this can lead to. Is there nothing they can do for anxious people like us? I had the throat spray and sedation and I did not feel sedated one bit, I could have driven home as it had no effect. Other people say they were nearly asleep and can hardly remember anything. I did wonder if different hospitals gave different amounts if sedatives depending on how long they wanted you in recovery.

17-09-13, 18:36
Hi bernie1977 yep I no wot u mean about the camera I just worry if it makes me gag an I be sick :( I took my dad for on the other month he said he didn't feel anything an it lasted seconds :( but still to scared... I just feel as if my stomach lining is so raw even eating makes it worse :( so now am getting to the point of getting scared to eat in case it makes me feel worse but am so hungry an I no bein hungry makes acid worse so I can't win

17-09-13, 18:50
You can't be sick even if you do gag as you have nothing to eat or drink beforehand for a few hours, this is to ensure there is nothing inside you to cause you to vomit.

I was a nervous wreck and panicked as soon as I started to gag and made them stop. Wish I had seen it through now as I want to know what's causing my acid reflux and if there's anything to be done besides PPI's.

If vomiting is what's stopping you going, I promise you that you won't vomit it's not possible as your stomach is empty.

Please try and eat as you will make the problem worse like you say. My acid was so bad a couple of weeks ago it caused gastritis and I couldn't eat as the nausea was so bad. To start eating again I had boiled rice, toast and bananas and gradually reintroduced other things.

17-09-13, 19:16
I had acid reflux ever since my pregnancies and a few years ago I kept getting the feeling that food was getting stuck, my Dr insisted I go for an endoscopy. Needless to say I was absolutely terrified and spent the weeks leading up to it getting in a right state. On the day I had sedation and I have to say I remember very little about it.

I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia caused by pregnancy (baby pushing up against your diaphragm as it grows). I managed the acid reflux for a number of years with Gaviscon but then last summer it got worse so I'm now on Omeprazole and that's done the trick.

Also, have you been tested for the H. Pylori bacteria, some people carry it and it can cause stomach ulcers. They treat you with anti biotics to get rid of it.

When my acid was at it's worst I had pain in my back & chest, it was so uncomfortable so I can sympathise.

Good luck

17-09-13, 21:17
Thanks bernie1977 everyone has said the same it's 99% u won't vomit etc....

Daisypolly.. Yea I keep having on/off back pain :( it feel so raw right now am also hungry but when I eat its irritating it more haven't really ate much had toast this morning then a few plain digestives and a prowl of porridge not so long ago but its just killing just above navel right across an also just below ribs across (mainly more on left)

My mind keeps over thinking something major is wrong.. How much omeprazole do you take?? How long do they take to get in your system I've only been on these two days

18-09-13, 13:26
I would say a month before all symptoms disappeared. 20mg once a day.

You can also take Gaviscon while on this drug but give your body time to absorb the Omeprazole before you do. Maybe a couple of hours.

Don't forget that your stomach can be the first thing to suffer when you get anxious.

Hope you feel better soon.

18-09-13, 17:25
Saying it's a pain in the neck would have been funnier.

Just sayin' :whistles:

18-09-13, 20:51
Thanks ankietyjoe ha....

Daisy polly I hope they work a lot quicker my stomach been fine all day and now its like a stingy feeling just below left rib and tensed feeling in center just below ribs like I've been walking round all day tensing my stomach but I haven't.... I managed to eat. Ham sandwich today that's all :(