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17-09-13, 14:01

I'm 37 live behind my computer and have suffered from anxiety in it's various disguises for most of my life on and off. I spent my late teenage years going to bed every night not sleeping in case I wouldn't wake up, was scared of walking through outside spaces and was quite messed up really.

I took and overdose at 14, I've had horrible panic attacks, ended up in hospital a couple of times when my anxiety manifested itself into chronic IBS and even suspected appendicitis. I've a chronic fear of flying, cows and used to be frightened of petrol stations. I messed up my careers and qualifications and somehow I've sorted myself out.

Recently, I was feeling worse. More anxiety attacks than full on panic attacks, but I've been very negative and it's affected my relationships with family and friends. Death is on the agenda - but I don't want to die and very recently I've wondered if I have adhd - as I seem to fit the bill.

Found this site it looks good. Hope I can share some of my experiences and hope you want be able to give me a few pointers.

Suki :)

19-09-13, 00:04
Hi Suki. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

22-09-13, 15:35
hello and welcome