View Full Version : All is Well!

17-09-13, 15:23
I don't suffer from HA but suffice it to say, having had two heart attacks, bypass surgery and stents and most recently oral cancer, there are times I get a little stressed when it comes time for tests and follow-ups.

The fact of the matter is I have a 50/50 chance of making the next 5 years due to recurrence of the cancer and who knows when my heart will say "enough"?

BUT... despite these things, I truly don't worry about it. Having faced death, it's not so bad and we're all going to end up there anyway ;)

SO..... yesterday was check up time with my ENT/surgeon. I had some butterflies as you might expect. I'm 5 months post treatment and the first two years are critical. If I can get through them without any recurrence, then the odds drastically improve.

The doctor saw nothing that raised any red flags. Everything looked great and I'm ahead of the curve concerning recovery!! AWESOME NEWS!

Those of you that suffer from HA, take the words in my signature to heart. Life is too short not to live!

17-09-13, 16:27
I don't know you mate but - you are awesome. That is all. Congratulations on your good news x

17-09-13, 18:24
So glad to hear that things seem to be improving! Still struggling with my heart obsession (i am trying to work on not using the stupid steth or feeling the heart with my hand...the latter sometimes causes discomfort or pain for some reason O.o), but i have been feeling much better overall apart from that.

17-09-13, 18:43
Wow, that's fantastic news. when I hear about people like you, I can't believe I'm in good health and worrying and thinking the worst about every ache and headache.

Thanks for sharing you story :)

17-09-13, 21:15
brilliant news, im so pleased for you.x

17-09-13, 21:16
Fantastic news to hear :) Stay well!

*Fallen Angel*
18-09-13, 17:22
That's so good to hear. You're so positive in here and it really helps people like me.

18-09-13, 19:20
i dont know you but have worked in maxillofacial clinic well done on your good news fingers crossed and God bless your amazing

18-09-13, 22:28
I would truly like to meet you and skippy66 you both sound such a inspiration I wish you all the happy health u could have.
Love and best wishes vicky