View Full Version : Some things on here make me feel better and some way worse!

17-09-13, 16:47
So a lot of the time coming on here reassures me but being us, having HA sometimes I'll read something that panics the hell out of me - just has to be one thing like ' oh people with MS don't get diagnosed easily' then I'm off on one! Great so my MRI means nothing - I must have it! Or it's developed since the MRI etc etc

Do you get the same thing??!

17-09-13, 18:03
I know what you mean I will get reassured and same as you when I thought without a doubt I had MS I to had my MRI which came back normal and I to read it takes a long time to diogniuse and often wonder if I do have it. But bottom line we just got to trust our doctors and our bodies they are pretty amazing and MS is very rare to. How to turn off our over active minds isn't easy by far.

17-09-13, 18:09
That's the downfall of HA and a forum about it. You could be worried about one thing and read about another and all of a sudden, you have that symptom!

There's a fella on one of the cancer forums I monitor. He's obviously suffering from HA IMO. When members describe their symptoms and reassure him (he doesn't present symptoms of oral cancer), he all of a sudden has those symptoms! He's been to three different doctors, had two CAT scans and a PET scan and nothing has shown up yet he's convinced he has cancer. It's to the point that no one responds anymore.

17-09-13, 21:13
Also! Does it worry anyone else that jack Osborne is doing dancing with the stars! I'm like oh god he has MS and can do that so how am I supposed to believe I don't have it when I get all the symptoms and my only thing was oh but I go to the gym and can dead lift 7 stone , doesn't seem comfort me now I think it wouldn't matter!

18-09-13, 05:21
I know what you mean Gee, it's been on my mind as well. I think look at him, it's very confronting to see him do all that he can do though, not to mention there is a cancer girl on there too. I love DWTS, but I don't want to be afraid to watch it.

22-09-13, 04:54
You two are funny!