View Full Version : fear of dying

17-09-13, 22:02

just wondered if anyone could help. i have developed a fear of dying, which i know is illogicalbut i just don't seem tobeable toget rid of.

does anyone have a similiar fear?

17-09-13, 22:05
Yes I have that same fear.....I cant tell you how to deal with the fear as I dont know the answer myself............................sorry that seems such a crap reply...but at least you know you are not alone:huh:

17-09-13, 22:26
Yes every hour of ever day apart from when I'm sleeping :( this is the worst for me and this is why I worry over everything and obsess x

17-09-13, 22:34
I've seen some people die very peacefully - they just slowly stop breathing (I was a carer). That's why I don't like the thought of flying, all that panic in your last moments, but then, I used to be petrified of having a baby and I could do that again.

I've been very scared of dying at times, gone through hell at times, not sleeping in case I did, but I once met a lady who was 102 and she couldn't wait to die - even though she was a spritely thing (she did eventually get her wish!).

I once read that the biggest cause of men under 30 dying was suicide - which sort of put things in perspective for me. i.e it's statistically unlikely. Then as you get older, your chances of dying decrease - which sounds strange, but apparently it's true (although as you get a lot older that changes).

Sorry I can't be more reassuring, but I hope you're okay

17-09-13, 23:08
Absolutely, I have a fear of dying young or dying in a terrifying way. I never really thought about death until I had a panic attack, and I've thought about it every single day since then.

If you do a search, you'll find loads of posts here about it and some people have some interesting insight and ways they have come to terms with it.

17-09-13, 23:12
Having faced my death several times in the last 6 years I can tell you there is nothing to fear.

For me it was an "Oh Sh^%" moment. I was suffering a heart attack. When I was in the ER I was in some pretty bad pain. Then, the pain subsided and I felt myself going. It was an instant of "Oh Sh^%" and the next thing I remember was waking up with an oxygen mask on my face and IV's in my arm. I had gone into AFIB and lost it. There was no pain and no time to be scared to tell you the truth.

Something like this deep rooted fear you have must be dealt with from a professional level of therapy and possibly medication. The truth of the matter is we're going to die at one time or another and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. The sooner you face this head on and seek professional help, the sooner you'll begin to enjoy living. Although many here can relate to your fear, if they suffer the same fear, all they can do is relate. Those that have overcome it took pro active action to help themselves.

Good luck, positive thoughts and prayers

17-09-13, 23:18
I never really thought about death until I had a panic attack, and I've thought about it every single day since then.

Me too!!

Plus I gain no reassurance with the fact it may be peaceful or will be too fast to notice as I have a 6 year old daughter and plan on having more children and my worst fear is not seeing her grow up etc.
I think it's a very rational fear emphasised for some people.

18-09-13, 00:22
i can absolutely relate to this, every now and again it comes into my mind that once your gone, that is it, nothing ever again, and that causes a momentary panic, truth is no1 knows what happens when the day comes, and it is one of the few things everyone has in common that one day it will happen, the only thing i can suggest is too keep as busy as possible, even when relaxing, watch your favourite tv shows and listen to your favourite music. its a horrible feeling but for all we know it could all be in vein, whos to say we wont go onto a new life, or be re born as a new person, signs over the years have shown it may happen, but as i say who knows, just make the most of the time you have on this earth and do everything u ever wanted! :)

18-09-13, 00:33
Mine is the fear of leaving my children, having lost my mum 4 years ago and my dad 3 months ago my ha is all over the place with this fear!
The nights are the worst which is why I come on hear for the support!
I guess we all fear something or we wouldn't be on here.
In taking one day at a time at the moment and hopefully the fear will slowly not become the thing I think about when I'm alone xxx

18-09-13, 01:00
Oh my yes, in fact my panic came from my experience after my last c section in which my artery was cut /damaged and I almost bled to death after coming home.... it was so traumatic that I developed an intense fear of dying, ambulances etc etc.....the very idea of leaving behind my 9 children and hubby is terrifying to me. This is where my faith comes in, and I don't mean to be preachy, but I have to say that without faith and religion I would be lost. I still fear death, but faith helps to put that fear in perspective.

18-09-13, 01:01
I'm almost in tears right now I've been thinking about it all month. I've been having serious heart pain but went for an ecg and nothing seemed out of place. All i can think about is myocarditis as i have a fever too. It's absolutely all i can think about and it comes up every night when im lying down, it's agony.

I think my biggest fear is things that are outwith my control: i hate surprises, unexpected events, anything im not prepared for...i guess im quite dull ha. I really don't know what can console you - just that every single person out there is in t.he same boat.