View Full Version : anxiety over dog adoption

18-09-13, 02:00
I cannot believe I am back into this situation again but my senior dog died and I need a new friend for myself and my other rescue dog. For some stupid reason every time I need to adopt another dog I end up in a terrible state of anxiety. Last two times my daughter brought me dogs that she had taken in but she is not nearby anymore. Every time I go to meet a dog I stand there like a stuffed dummy not knowing what to do and I tell the adoption people I will get back to them but that night I will have horrible dreams if I am lucky enough to sleep and I end up deciding against getting the dog. I am to meet another good prospect in need of a home this weekend, will take my dog with me to meet it and hope and pray I can make a decision. Sometimes I tell myself just don't get another dog but then I feel bad plus my dog loves having a friend and once I get them I am so happy I did it. My senior dog recently died and the best you can do to honor them is to give a home to another homeless dog. Its so silly I know, almost become a phobia in the last 10 years. I am grateful that right now (other than a phobia about doctors taking my blood pressure) this is the only problem I have and keep telling myself to stop imagining all the bad things that could happen and concentrate on the good but somehow doesn't work. I get excited when i see a dog listed and can't wait to hear back but as soon as they get back to me I am in a state of anxiety. Stupid isn't it! Irene

18-09-13, 09:08
Irene I was exactly the same when I got my new kitten. I found him on the website and was so excited. We had a 3 hour journey to collect him. As soon as I got him home my anxiety went sky high. I don't know if it is the fear of commitment or what? My daughter ended up taking him for a couple of weeks and kept bringing him over to visit me then one day she brought him and said "You really wanted him Mum, he is staying with you now" You know what..I just love him so much and he loves me :) He hardly leaves my side and is the most loveable cat I have ever had. He had his first birthday this week. I am so pleased I have him. I have an older cat too and they get along fine.
I hope you manage to get your new dog Irene and I know he or she will be so grateful to have you as their new Mum. xx

18-09-13, 10:30
Hello there, I have a rescue dog little Pansy, she is my faithful friend. I can understand you panic, when something new is going to happen you are thrown off somewhat, but just think of the fun the love and the snuggles you are going to share with a little person, You need to go and say right i am going to choose my new fluffy friend, and its going to be amazing, try not and give yourself hurdles to climb, try and focus on the positive if you can, i wish you all the luck with your new adoption, oh i have to say this you should post a photo of your new addition so we can all coo over him/her!! blessings

21-09-13, 18:37
thank you both so much for responding, its so helpful to know I am not alone. I am meeting a prospect tomorrow evening and they will bring her over to meet me and my dog. I wish they knew how she is when out in the fenced yard (the person fostering doesn't have a fenced area) as now I keep wondering if she would somehow climb the fence as they said she chases squirrels. I do not leave my dogs out unattended although my current dog loves to lay out and sunbathe but there is no fear of him ever taking off. I told myself I will just keep her leashed until I see how she behaves, this is something I never worried about before but in a way its a good thing to be cautious as I volunteer with Lost and Found and its horrible how new dogs get away and get lost/killed. Perhaps that is what has made more nervous, reading the stories like today a newly adopted dog slipped its collar and is now missing. Personally I put a snug collar on them with phone# etc tag on it and temporarily use a "choke" (for lack of a better word) collar that tightens on them so they cannot slip it for walking them until I see how they behave. Its the one I carry with me in my car to use when I find lost dogs and need to make sure they don't get away from me. Also this dog needs training for leash walking but that is not a problem to me as I use a special harness that clips in the front and stops them pulling plus will take any new adoptee to positive behavior training classes. I just hope I can sleep tonight but most of all that I will be able to make a decision when they bring her here. :blush: irene

21-09-13, 18:52
I hope all goes well for you. Looking forward to seeing picture of your new addition :)

22-09-13, 09:36
You are anxious because you care so much; how I wish there were more like you.What a lovely person you must be...I hope your worries soon pass and you can enjoy the new addition to your home....

22-09-13, 17:14
sadly I had to let this opportunity pass. the dog I was scheduled to meet was apparently very active and probably too much for us so I cancelled. I do know she will get a good home because they had several inquiries. I also have had the most horrible panic about it all, mostly because I am up in years altho very healthy and active and she was perhaps abit younger (5y)than I should be looking at so will concentrate on adopting a senior like I did last time because the worse thing I can imagine is my being unable to care for a dog I adopted and knowing it would now end up homeless again. So in order to prevent that will just adopt seniors until I am 80 and then presuming still in good health will just foster. Thanks for everone's kind words and support, so helpful. I was so stressed out and anxious that I am now relieved to get a reprieve. Oh how I envy people who do not suffer from this horrible problem. I generally only use herbs or flower remedies and breathing techniques unless it becomes impossible to deal with and I take something stronger. I was determined to see this through but I can honestly say I let it go for the right reasons, not just the anxiety problem but I have no doubt the next time will be just as bad until I get it over with :(