View Full Version : I don't think I slept at all last night. I now have a full dsy of work ahead of me

18-09-13, 06:40
As in the title.
I had an extreme case of insomnia last night for no reason at all.

I now have work all day and I am not sure how I will manage on no sleep.

Does anyone have any tips?
My heart is pounding and my head really hurts

18-09-13, 07:24
Caffiene and sugar is the only way for days like these! A mix of wholegrain for sustained energy release, and sugar to keep you awake RIGHT NOW! I know you work in a school, but if you can get away with it, sweets in your pocket to eat between breaks.

Paracetamol for the headache, I'm the same with headaches when I'm tired. Anadin Extra if it's really bad.

Tonight, come back home, microwave something quick, and fall into bed!

18-09-13, 11:15
Thanks im here now and im pretty zombiefied.
Fighting the urge to fall asleep during assembly.
Using my old friend nytol tonight!

Are naps a good or bad idea?

18-09-13, 13:58
I find naps helpful if I can get one early enough in the day not to affect my night time sleep. In the long term though, it's better to work toward getting into a healthy sleep routine. Easier said than done, I know! Sometimes a short course of sleeping pills can help with this, prescription or herbal. If it's thoughts that keep you awake, I find Rescue Remedy Night Time spray really good. It doesn't make you tired, just helps to slow down my thoughts, enabling sleep.

Get yourself through today. Early night and Nytol sounds like a good plan. Tomorrow will be better!

18-09-13, 14:13
I find naps helpful if I can get one early enough in the day not to affect my night time sleep. In the long term though, it's better to work toward getting into a healthy sleep routine. Easier said than done, I know! Sometimes a short course of sleeping pills can help with this, prescription or herbal. If it's thoughts that keep you awake, I find Rescue Remedy Night Time spray really good. It doesn't make you tired, just helps to slow down my thoughts, enabling sleep.

Get yourself through today. Early night and Nytol sounds like a good plan. Tomorrow will be better!

I hope you are right.

It gets to a point where I go round in a vicious circle. Last night was particularly bad though :(

I did use bachs night spray last night but it didn't really work.

I have herbal Nytol for tonight though.

18-09-13, 14:21
I wouldn't agree with taking caffeine and sugar. It will give you a quick boost but your body will crash as a result. Have foods that release energy slowly, like wholegrain, the energy lasts longer and you won't have a crash. You also don't want to affect having a good night sleep tonight.

Herbal sleep remedies do work well but do take with caution and only take the recommended dose

18-09-13, 14:29
What do you mean by take with caution?

I only had 2 coffees today.

18-09-13, 14:32
I mean read the label. Depending on what your job is taking them may not be advisable (like if you drive or use machines). I didn't mean to cause alarm saying that, just being PC.

18-09-13, 14:58
Oh ok, well I've used them before and haven't had a problem driving the next day so should be fine hopefully.

18-09-13, 19:23
Sugar and caffeine send me straight into a panic so I don't use those even on days when I'm exhausted! Hope you made it through okay. Get in bed and sleep tight tonight. :hugs: