View Full Version : underlining cause....????

18-09-13, 10:01
Could there be an if I have been depressed since a toddler up until now, I'm 26. Some days I'm good, most other days I'm up and down and the rest just really very low. :wacko:

worried 101
18-09-13, 11:18
hi jenny.
could you maybe explain at bit more about your background with depression, there maybe under lying causes such as death in the family, divorce etc that maybe you have never really got closure on, but until we know a little more then its hard to know for sure.
hope you are ok.xx

18-09-13, 11:32
Hi thank you for your reply, I had a tough upbringing, sort of seen but not heard, and bullied in primary school, found it hard to make friends in high school with social anxiety. I have tried counseling, medications, group therapy. It's hard because I can have a few good days where I think I'm on the mend but then my moods suddenly shift with no apparent reason what so ever and I become really withdrawn, not wanting to commute, low, sad, crying, emotional, angry, annoyed, furious, which then makes me think I'm never gonna get on the right track because I have no trigger to have these mood shifts.

worried 101
18-09-13, 13:35
i can totally relate to that. I am going through a really bad time at the moment, yet a few months ago i was so happy. its frustrating to say the least.
have you tried a book called mindfulness? Ive just started reading it and alot of it i felt really spoke to me..it gives you techniques to handle situations and is supposed to be really good.
Ill send you the link to see what you think:
Hope that this might be of some help.

18-09-13, 19:07
I'm also reading that book. Too soon to say whether it's helping, but I enjoy reading it.

Sometimes there are underlying causes and sometimes... we are just wired differently. Some people need lifelong medication. Some people can go on it temporarily and get better. Others just need therapy to get back on track.

I think I'm kind of like you - there aren't really triggers. Some days I just wake up and feel dreadfully low, other days are bearable. I don't know why. :blush: